RSS feeds and Live Bookmarks

Posted a long time ago by Henrik

Hey all,

For those of you that like RSS we have now made available some RSS feeds on Nonoba. There should be a Live Bookmark on all pages that has a feed. For now, we've added feeds for the Daily Featured Game and the Recent Activity for each user. You can check out the main feed here, or you can see what I've been doing here.

We've also added feeds for all the different game listings. For example, if you want a feed of the best rated new puzzle games, you could go here, or if you want a feed of all new games with achievements, you could go here. All the game listing pages should have a Live Bookmark so you can get a feed for any listing you like.

If you have any suggestions for other things you would want RSS feeds for, please post them in our Feedback section as usual.

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Comments, Proper credit to original developers, and other fixes.

Posted a long time ago by Henrik

Hi everyone!

We haven't given you any update news in a while, and we're sorry for that, but we hope today's release will make up for it. We have made a lot of small fixes that should make this place even more enjoyable to use than before.

The biggest change is around comments. You can now delete comments that you have written yourself, you can delete comments on your profile page, and you can delete comments on your games. We've also changed the displaying of comments a bit so that on a profile page or game page, comments made by the profile owner or game owner will always show and always be highlighted. You will also always see your own comments even if they've been modded down.

We have now made an important change around game uploading. When you upload a game there's a checkbox you can tick if you developed or helped develop the game. If you do, the game page will say "developed by" instead of "uploaded by". This should hopefully make it easier to distinguish between games that someone have just uploaded, and games that have actually been uploaded by the developer, and give more credit to developers. We'll be going through all the games and mark them appropriately. If you are a game developer with games already on this site and we miss your game, just send us a message and we'll properly mark your game. Oh, and if you intentionally lie about having developed a game, we will remove all your Developer XP.

Many of you have also requested the ability to clear out your newsfeed and recent activities, and you now have that option. Just go to the respective page where you can view your entire newsfeed or all your recent activities, and there should be a link for you to delete them all. 

As usual, we've also done a number of small bugfixes here and there that should make the site just work better. Most notable amogn these is the way we display achievement icons, we no longer display them as separate Flash elements which caused problems in many browsers, but instead as regular images. We've also added a small tooltip to them in various places. As usual, we ask you to report any bugs or other issues you find in our feedback system.

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New design, news feeds, and more!

Posted a long time ago by Henrik

Hi everyone!

As you can see, we've improved the design a lot with this release. We have a brand new frontpage where we have a daily recommended game and where we promote more great games, so that every day, there should be something new and great for you to play.

We have also vastly improved the game listings. You can now easily view all the games with achievements and highscores, and you get a better overview of games by category. We are also showing which games you've rated and which ones you've favorited.

The biggest change is probably your newsfeed though. On your homepage we will now post stories that should be interesting to you. Whenever someone writes something to you like a message or comments on your profile, we will show it there. Also, when your friends and favorites do certain things like beating your score in a game, or get an achievement, we will show it there. Coupled with this newsfeed is an email alert system. This means that you can choose to get emails whenever something is posted to your newsfeed, either immediately, or in a daily or weekly update. If you are logged in, you can check your settings here.

For game developers, we have introduced a few changes. If you set your game's status to Alpha, it will not appear publicly on the site. You can still play it and test it and have your friends test it until you are satisfied with it. When you upload a version that is Beta or Release, it will be shown in all game lists. We have made a similar change to achievements, they will initially only be visible and available to the developer. That way, you can set up your achievements and make sure they work properly with your game. When an admin has approved your achievements, they will be available to everyone. Please make sure your achievements follow our guidelines.

As always, we hope that you will continue to enjoy Nonoba, and if you have any feedback and further suggestions, please suggest them here

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Minor update

Posted a long time ago by Oliver

Hey everyone,

We just wanted to let you know that we've made a small release with a bunch of bugfixes in it.

If you've had problems logging in or staying logged in because your IP address changed often, those problems should hopefully be resolved now.

We've also changed the forum a bit so that updated threads go on top of the list. This is good and bad, it makes it easier to see what's new in the forums, but it also allows people to "bump" old threads. We'll be monitoring this to see how it works out. 

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On forum spamming

Posted a long time ago by Chris

Hi everyone,

Having to spend our Monday morning cleaning out the forums from some sort of war between a few ill behaved Nonoba and Kongregate users is not exactly our idea of a good way to start a week, and it is not something we want to be doing regularly, so we'd like to take this opportunity to explain our position and clarify our policy a bit.

If you spam our chat or our forums we will ban you and delete all the spam. Additionally, if we find out that you have been spamming some other website in our name, we will also ban you from Nonoba. We do not tolerate this behaviour at all. It is absolutely pointless and it is not something we want to see ever again. If you don't like some other website, then simply do not visit it. We do not need our users to "defend" Nonoba elsewhere.

At the base of this useless little spamfest lie a bunch of allegations that some users thought it best to argue by invading our forums. First the accusations that we're supposed to be a rip-off of Kongregate. We, the makers of Nonoba, have been working with online communities or social networking for almost ten years. We had been toying with the idea to make a community around flash games for some time, and were already hard at work on Nonoba when we saw Kongregate launch. At first we were a bit sad because they beat us to the market with much of the same stuff we were working on, but we were also happy, because they're showing us that it is a viable market. Ideas are easy to come by, if you really boil down the essence of both Nonoba and Kongregate, you could say that we are YouTube for games, or Newgrounds with a chat. Does that make us rip-offs of those sites?

The hard part is always to implement your ideas, to make them reality, and in that aspect, we share nothing with any other website. We know there are many similarities between Nonoba and Kongregate if you look at the basic functions, but we still have a different background, and hopefully a different roadmap. In the future, you will see more diversification as we pursue our vision for making Nonoba the best casual gaming community, and Kongregate and other websites pursue theirs.

The second allegation is that we "steal" games. We take copyright infringement very seriously and we will immediately remove any games that infringe on someone's copyright. If you upload a game to Nonoba, you have to have permission from the copyright holder to do so. We of course prefer original games, but many games are released on the web with permission to upload and distribute them anywhere, and we welcome our users to upload such games. If you are the original developer of a game and find it on our site, please contact us and we'll transfer it to your user so it gets properly attributed. And if you find a game that is not allowed to be on Nonoba, just contact us and we'll remove it immediately.

We hope that this clarifies our position, and if you have any further questions or comments, feel free to discuss it here or in the forums, or contact us directly. Thanks. Now go enjoy some games!

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