Thy face of you

Nils Österling is living in Mjölkvägen 187, Umeå, Sweden, Europe, Earth, Universe. It has been a member for 8 months, and was last logged on 4 weeks ago.

Gamer Level: 4

Welcome to my profile

I'm supposed to enter the profile text here, but i wanna make it funny, where it is some problems cuz putting funny sh*t on a computer that i made up isnt easy. I'm wery funny (in my opinion) but it wont show here. Now you probably want to see some funny sh*t here, so i'll try to put some funny sh*t here. But dont expect it to be funny. It will probably just be sh*t. I think that you have laughed more at this text above the horizontal ruler then you will below it.

hem hem you are about to get rick roll'd

Click for funny sh*t

 Now that we have established that its not funny to lick the computer screen, i will now say: i said that you would laugh more at the text above the first horizontal ruler then beneth it. Also, the whole "you're bout´to get rickroll'd" sh*t iz a lie.

I will now post some info on Arapaimas.


An arapaima is a fish living in the amazona river. It is the worlds largest freshwater fish at it can grow up to 4 m long. Instead of using gills to "breathe", it swims up to the surface every 15 min and breathes in fresh air using its mouth.

Hope that you learned something there. Now for some info on me!

Nils Österling (yes, thats my real name)

I live in sweden, and i speak swedish (duh) english (duh) and some french. I'm not to good at spelling english words. My friends think that im funny (my REAL friends, not the nonoba ones) but i dont know what you will think. I like portable games over console games, since they are portable. I am quite good at improvising (thats probably spelled wrong) and writing storys, have lots of imagination, and i like to read books the size of Harry Potter books, so if you've seen one of those fattys, you'll know how fat books im talking about. My birthday is 1st June, and thats precisely on the middle of the year.
Ok, so now im just gonna post random sh*t that i come up with.


Random sh*t #1: Indigestible sh*t


Now, if someone ever has eaten a indigestible thing (wich i highly doubt) please say what it was and how it tasted in my comments.                       

The "Cappuchino Slam!!"

This is probably the most random thing i have ever come up with.

I'm not gonna do a description of the "Cappuchino Slam" since it would tottaleh mess up this thing text.

Now, i'm writing this blindly, so dont expect this part to be awsome.  bDark text with dark cover, oh the happyness. This is completely random sh*t.

Just so you know, if you write sh*tty comments on my profile, i will probably post a sh*tty response. So dont post sh*t.

If i speak nonsense, dont get suprised, i like to speak nonsense.

Myhtical Beasts that i've heard of

* Manticore

* Hydra

* Medusa

* Tarrasque

* Dragon

* Titan

* Kraken

* Giant

* Cyclop

* Ettin

* Chimera

* Centaur

* Cockatrice

* Bigfoot

* Pheonix

* Loch Ness Monster

* Sphinx

* And alot more but i cant remember their names right now

  Thats all to my profile for now. Stay updated for new sh*t on my profile, but it will probably not be funny in any way so you may just leave now, never to come again.


lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 4 months ago

just letting all my friends (710+) know that i have been thinking about leaving nonoba for some time now. i will be leaving nonoba end of september, take care in all that u do and best of luck
lH O lR I Z O lN

mattfrye2356mattfrye2356 said

Posted 5 months ago

hey il be your frend

mattfrye2356mattfrye2356 said

Posted 5 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 6 months ago

Thats one big comment you left there

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

bunny sends some love to all my frineds =]

(> <)

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lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

plz check ur mail and plz get in touch ='[
thanks =]

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

thy face of u hey =]
where are u ='[
u havent been on for 8 days ='[
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ='[
and u should delete mean comments thats what i do =]
there are so really mean and nasty people on here =[

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 6 months ago

im ok IH O IR I Z O IN

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 6 months ago

So whats the matter with you? you come up to me, ask if i want to be your friend, go rabies over that i dont want to, and now you want to know if i remember you? Wow. Just wow. You are truly weird. Extremly weird.

karijoy said

Posted 6 months ago

hey i asked you if you remembered you i didnt ask you if you were smart or retarded

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