THEclickTHEclick said

Posted 8 months ago


THEclickTHEclick said

Posted 8 months ago

pink ride now

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

i tottalleh know


Posted 8 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

Dont post sh*t to my profile please

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 8 months ago

hey u sound like a really funneh guy =D
thanx for posting ur comment on my "oink flu" forum =D

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 8 months ago

hey cool profile by the way =]

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago


lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 8 months ago

welcome =]

CriddleCriddle said

Posted 8 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago


breakneckscott101breakneckscott101 said

Posted 8 months ago


PatDgirl...PatDgirl... said

Posted 8 months ago

The flapjack will come and get you at night cus joo didnt vote for them!!! >:D!


A flapjack is a square thing made out of oats and syrup and butter and sugar!!


The plain ones are better!

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago


karijoy said

Posted 8 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

thats not really a good thing to say. try "please go away and do sexual things to yourself while i'll never speak to you again". that'll work much better in future conversations!

karijoy said

Posted 8 months ago

F!@# YOU MOTHER f%^&(* !

karijoy said

Posted 8 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

Uhm... why are you going all rabies over that i dont wanna be your friend?

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 8 months ago

hey =]
not seen u for some time, how are u ? =]

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

I'm fine

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 8 months ago

good to hear =]

kelsey10kelsey10 said

Posted 8 months ago


Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

Oh hi, so you commented on my profile, huh?

money is my thingmoney is my thing (online here) said

Posted 8 months ago

i need more friends

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

but i dont

butterfly flowerbutterfly flower said

Posted 8 months ago

Huh?I never sended you a friend request.

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 8 months ago

then someone was using your profile to send me a friend request

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 7 months ago

hey how are u ? =]
=O u havent been on for a week =O

karijoy said

Posted 7 months ago

hey you a$$ hole remember me?

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 7 months ago

No... My memory sucks.

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 7 months ago

hey how are u ? =]
u havent been on for 5 days ? =[
is everything ok ? =[

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 7 months ago

im ok IH O IR I Z O IN

karijoy said

Posted 7 months ago

hey i asked you if you remembered you i didnt ask you if you were smart or retarded

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 7 months ago

So whats the matter with you? you come up to me, ask if i want to be your friend, go rabies over that i dont want to, and now you want to know if i remember you? Wow. Just wow. You are truly weird. Extremly weird.

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

thy face of u hey =]
where are u ='[
u havent been on for 8 days ='[
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ='[
and u should delete mean comments thats what i do =]
there are so really mean and nasty people on here =[

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

plz check ur mail and plz get in touch ='[
thanks =]

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 6 months ago

bunny sends some love to all my frineds =]

(> <)

______000000000000000000__000000000000000000______ ____000000000000000000000000000000_______00000____ ___0000000000000000000000000000000_________0000___ __0000000000000000000000000000000000________0000__ __0000000000000000000000000000000000000_____0000__ _0000000000000000000000000000000000000000___00000_ _00000000000000000000000000000000000000000_000000_ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 __0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000__ ___00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000___ _____0000000000000000000000000000000000000000_____ _______000000000000000000000000000000000000_______ __________000000000000000000000000000000__________ _____________0000000000000000000000000____________ _______________00000000000000000000_______________ __________________000000000000000_________________ ____________________0000000000____________________

Thy face of youThy face of you said

Posted 6 months ago

Thats one big comment you left there

mattfrye2356mattfrye2356 said

Posted 5 months ago


mattfrye2356mattfrye2356 said

Posted 5 months ago

hey il be your frend

lH O lR I Z O lNlH O lR I Z O lN said

Posted 4 months ago

just letting all my friends (710+) know that i have been thinking about leaving nonoba for some time now. i will be leaving nonoba end of september, take care in all that u do and best of luck
lH O lR I Z O lN

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