Welcome to my profile
Welcome every1 to my profile! :) © Stick Figure's profile is the best profile¡®™
This is me:
LOL! \ O / \|/ | /\ / \ ANGRY GERMAN KID!KEYBOARD CRASHER(KBC)! And watch Angry German Kid videos at my Pouetpu profile! http://www.pouetpu-games.com/index.php?section=6&id=6244
I only upload FREE games I promise!
NEW:Nonoba Chat!I created it in 99CHATS,it's my new work.Enjoy this little chat and I'm an admin in that chat ^_^ The URL(Will open in a new window): http://www.99chats.com/room_89284
And a little gift I made,"Spank Stick Figure"!! But unfortunately,it's blank. So call it "Nothin'"...? "Spank Stick Figure" (Actually nothin'!)
Yea... I still looks like a stick. Will it continue?
Color game,do not read the words,read the colors! red pink purple blue green yellow orange red pink purple... I can sing a rainbow! If you can do it,your sensorimotor ability is super! : )
If you want to change your picture into ASCII Art(if you don't know what is it, google it),please tell me the page (must be a picture)and the size in my comments,and I'll make it for you. An example:
And free browse and dowload π,φ and e.
π=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067 982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196...
LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net
φ=1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805 7628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374 8475408807538689175212663386222353693179318006076672 635443338908659593958290563832266131992829026788...
LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net
e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699 959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427 42746639193200305992181741359662904357290033429526 059563073813232862794349076323382988075319525101901...
LCD Text Generator at TextSpace.net
If you want more digits,please say it in my comments or write in my inbox,I'll try to do it.
BTW I found a wonderful site!Just like Everybody Edits,you can create a painting or edit Website:http://playpen.farbs.org/index.php?title=Main_Page My best creation:go into http://playpen.farbs.org/index.php?title=Cubicle and click my :P,then you can goto HYPERSPACE!LOL (just goto random page XD)
I found 5 sites like Nonoba.What are they?If you know,please reply. http://www.nonoba.nl/ http://www.jeuxetcompagnie.com/
I've got 5 other profiles,they are: http://www.pouetpu-games.com/index.php?section=6&id=6244 http://www.fyrebug.com/author/super-mario-bros/ http://incredibots2.com/users.php?user=Stick%20Figure http://playpen.farbs.org/index.php?title=User:Stick_Figure (copy 'n paste this one is weird) http://armorgames.com/user/Maker5000
I like ニコニコ動画 too.My avatar is ニコニコ動画's picture. (゚∀゚)
http://www.boombotworld.com/Maker5000 http://www.bloonsworld.com/Maker5000 http://www.meeblingsworld.com/Maker5000
Actually,I've got more profiles and websites.This is the main part of all.
At last I want to say I wannabe a mod really,but Moderators is lazy,he must wake up. Wake up Moderators! Now I'm reading the Conversation in your inbox. Hello,I want to be a chat moderator.I can moderate the chat well.And I will stand sentry everyday.I wish to become a chat moderator!Thanks for your support!
Check them please!And that's all from me! Happy Playing!
PS:Please ignore this text below. Web Statsvar cAKsu='6005';var cAKtm='QW1lcmljYS9OZXdfWW9yaw%3D%3D';var gAKsu = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gAKsu + "99stats.com/js/count.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); |
Stick Figure said
Posted 4 weeks agoJust passing through, so I take a look. Long time no see(LOL)!