will the world end on december 21,2012

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Post #1 by apegod10 has a score of -10. show

apegod10apegod10 said

a long time ago | Post #1
will it?


a long time ago | Post #2


Post #3 by demonic780 has a score of -9. show

demonic780demonic780 said

a long time ago | Post #3


Last edited a long time ago
Post #4 deleted

Laughing RabbitLaughing Rabbit said

a long time ago | Post #5
If it did would we really care anyway, or even know for that matter?
Post #6 deleted

JaxScorpionJaxScorpion said

a long time ago | Post #7
er why would the world end on december 21 2012?? is that just a random date? or am i completely in the dark about a giant meteor strike or something.
Post #8 by apegod10 has a score of -10. show

apegod10apegod10 said

a long time ago | Post #8
it ends then because thats when thw aztect calender ends
Post #9 deleted

Captain LuffyCaptain Luffy said

a long time ago | Post #10
What do you mean by the world ending? Do you mean all human life being extinguished? Do you mean the world being destroyed?

Personally, I think that nothing will happen at all on that date. People have said that the world would end on previous dates, and did it?

PooZyPooZy said

a long time ago | Post #11
And on 21 2012, someone sat on a bug.... for the bug, it's the end!
Post #12 by i a ghost has a score of -5. show

i a ghosti a ghost said

a long time ago | Post #12 | in reply to #10

Captain LuffyCaptain Luffy said

a long time ago | Post #13
@Poozy, what if it's one of those giant bugs you see in the movies?
Post #14 by cazzi has a score of -3. show

cazzicazzi said

a long time ago | Post #14
i read in a book that the world will end on the 21st of the 12th 2012...

i hope its not true :(

demonic780demonic780 said

a long time ago | Post #15 | in reply to #9
From my knowledge... the Mayan calender can also called the Aztec sun stone.
Here's a site on the subject,
Yes I have posted it before on the how much do u think a cheeseburger will cost in 1000 years? thread
Last edited a long time ago

ClaytonthemanClaytontheman said

a long time ago | Post #16
Just as Captain Luffy said, many people have said it to end on previous dates, which it did not. I think from my knowledge on The History Channel that it will possibly end because all the planets will aline with the sun...something related to that matter. My opinion its most likely not, but you never know for sure whats going to happen.

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

a long time ago | Post #17 | in reply to #16
That's worth to say, man! You're good enough.

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

a long time ago | Post #18
Well, God will SUDDENLY 'throw' the end to us.

About what did demonic780 gave that was a site and to who had seen that site, CHECK AGAIN, DARNIT! Look before the chapter, 'It's all about the Sun'. Look! LOOK!!
Last edited a long time ago
Post #19 by apegod10 has a score of -3. show

apegod10apegod10 said

a long time ago | Post #19
think maybe there is no god and were stupid to any thing about the universe
Post #20 deleted
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