will the world end on december 21,2012

Post #61 by apegod10 has a score of -3. show

apegod10apegod10 said

a long time ago | Post #61
mahahahaha now your soul belongs to me
Last edited a long time ago

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

a long time ago | Post #62 | in reply to #61
Shoesole!? ROFLMAO!
Post #63 by apegod10 has a score of -2. show

apegod10apegod10 said

a long time ago | Post #63
idiot it says soul not sole

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

a long time ago | Post #64 | in reply to #63
Yeah, now.
Post #65 by mario_100 has a score of -3. show

mario_100mario_100 said

a long time ago | Post #65
@cakeisgood post #31:YOU MEAN =50,000,000,000 years ,,at least thats what a book sais @mario_100 post #65 TRUE.

abadlybrownflipcabadlybrownflipc said

8 months ago | Post #66
NO! The world is NOT going to end!
If I were you guys,I wouldn't worry.
Because God would NOT let that happen.
Post #67 by 38 Mario Pk has a score of -3. show

38 Mario Pk38 Mario Pk said

8 months ago | Post #67
the world will never end

SeraSera said

8 months ago | Post #68
I believe that something [will] happen on 21/12/2012, but it won't be the Apocalypse.
Still, I believed that aliens had come on Oct14, so I'm wayy too gullible.

Also, the world will end.
One day (Like, billions of years from now), the sun will "Die" and nom up the first 4 planets of the system.

eaglgenes101eaglgenes101 said

8 months ago | Post #69
Yea. The swine flu is more likely to make an apocalypse than December 12, 2012.

And the swine flu has less than a 0.01% chance of making a apocalypse, if you ask me.

HI1HI1 said

8 months ago | Post #70
Most likely the swine flu will not cause the apocalypse. Even though it just recently caused an outbreak, it was started in a time that will give us the advantage. It caused an outbreak in the late spring-early summer-ish. And they said on the news that flu viruses die in the sunlight, and the time it surfaced, it is already coming to a season with lots of sunlight. I am not making guarantees on what I wrote.
Post #71 by shadow_wolf has a score of -2. show

shadow_wolfshadow_wolf said

8 months ago | Post #71
the world ends on 12,24,2012 beacuse the planets allign and the earthj shifts on its axis and storms will reavge the earth
Post #72 deleted

shadow_wolfshadow_wolf said

8 months ago | Post #73
very good quote

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

8 months ago | Post #74 | in reply to #71
Why does Earth shifts when all planets align in a straight line?


8 months ago | Post #75
look the world destroyed

yes the being destroyed

TobyToby said

8 months ago | Post #76 | in reply to #33
Actually, seeming as religion is a group / way of thinking that believes in a higher power, and athiesm literally means "without thiesm" (read "without higher power") you can't actually call it a religion no matter what way you look at it. No matter how some people may 'worship' people like Dawkins, etc. I highly doubt anyone thinks they're a manifestation of God. ;)

This is normally just a cop-out argument by thiests to undermine the whole belief. And yes, I know you will now go on to argue the definition of thiesm, but I'm going by the dictionary version here, not a modified version to support an argument. ;)

As to the world ending. The only proof they have is that the calender will end on one of the five unlucky, unassigned days of the mayan calander. It's ridiculous, they ask why does it end then, well it has to end somewhere, doesn't it? My calender in my bedroom ends on the 25th of December! Surely this means the world will end THIS year on december 25?!

And to all this planet aligning nonsense, planets have aligned before, apart from an eclipse there is no difference, where-ever they are positioned.
Last edited 8 months ago
Post #77 deleted

eaglgenes101eaglgenes101 said

8 months ago | Post #78

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo (online here) said

8 months ago | Post #79
its stupid
it wont end
its just like a myth that spread to internet tv documentaries and books
but if it is, how is it gonna be?
you could tell the exact date but you dont know how its gonna end...
besides like million years ago... animals that survive are gonn atransform and things and the earth will start again...
and noo
it wont end!
Post #80 deleted

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