6 months ago | Post #61 | in reply to #16
the "planet x", is SEX or SEXUAL?
Post #62 by bunnfun uk has a score of -5. show

bunnfun ukbunnfun uk said

6 months ago | Post #62
add me ppl

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

6 months ago | Post #63 | in reply to #46

TifennieTifennie said

6 months ago | Post #64
Don't add bunnfun uk, hes a pedobear. >.>

SLAYER98567.SLAYER98567. said

6 months ago | Post #65
.....k y r there 2 very long threads close to each other on the forums talking about the same thing....whatever anyway ill just copy paste what i wrote before what i wrote:...ok.....this ... is....stupid....cmon u cant predict the end of the world other ppl tried and were obviously wrong also technically the world can end at any moment but if u worry about it all the time it might as well have because if u waste ur time worrying about death u might as well be dead for u have never truly lived
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Last edited 6 months ago

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

6 months ago | Post #66 | in reply to #52
wat edit button?

38 Mario Pk38 Mario Pk said

6 months ago | Post #67
now will the world end or not

i think it will


6 months ago | Post #68

Thy face of youThy face of you said

6 months ago | Post #69
we'll just have to wait and see if the world ends.

SLAYER98567.SLAYER98567. said

6 months ago | Post #70 | in reply to #69

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

5 months ago | Post #71 | in reply to #61

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

5 months ago | Post #72 | in reply to #36
where everywhere in the sky?

cross74732cross74732 said

3 months ago | Post #73 | in reply to #33
i agree with you the world will not end in 2012 it is impossible.

LiLBiT010LiLBiT010 said

3 months ago | Post #74
Dudez ya'll gotta start believing in the impossible. I believe we will die in 2012 if we don't change our's our own choice if we want to live or die and if we keep having this mindset that we aren't gonna die we won't know what to do when the time comes. Besides its our own fault we are in the position that we are in rite now. Our ignorance will be the death of us one....if not in 2012 one day it will and it may come sooner than we think.

beckinator3000beckinator3000 said

2 weeks ago | Post #75
hmmmmmm this has turned into a religon thread where people say "dude god won`t let heaven explode!" or " only good people go to heaven" or DEWD TEAR IS KNOW HEVEN OR HEL" in other words ..........................................................RELIGON WAR!!!!!!!! yay flaming!


6 days ago | Post #76
so the war in this now are economy is horrible
so what do we plan to do against the goverment is nothing but we could protest legally against the us goverment how

answer by a thousands and thousands of people going all to the bank all at the same time ................................................................................... sorry the cut time

GH36GH36 said

5 days ago | Post #77
For some reason on the news they said that blood will be in the sky.P.S I don't think the world wil end.

GawjussGawjuss said

5 days ago | Post #78
You all really think were all gonna die in 2012?, surley if it was true, there would be an explanation for it? and it would be all over the news?

greendotgreendot said

5 days ago | Post #79
the world is NOT going to end. therefore,i am a christian. i believe God will protect us. even the the scientists say the world will end in 2012, i dont believe it. i cant wait to wake up in 2013 and watch the movie 2012 and see how stupid some people were. then, i can bet you that the scientists will say "oh, we made a mistake, heres our new prediction" and then THAT wont happen. i dont believe any bit of it, and i think that you all that believe that the world will end in 2012, should believe that God will protect us. PERIOD

Champions leauge expertChampions leauge expert said

4 days ago | Post #80
It is only a movie..:D that dosent mean that the actors in the movie actually belive that the world is going to end in 2012.:) Its just a cool movie where we can see what is going to happend when the dooms day comes to the world..;) and that dosent mean that we are going to belive it either.:)^^

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