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Post #1 by FA-FALCON86 has a score of -7. show


8 months ago | Post #1
How the world will end well nobody really knows

in scientist belif a meteor will strike earth at aproxamently 2036
now we could stop it and build a laser to destroy it all but here is the problem it will only make more pecies \

another way is god will end it when he wants to

another way my belif the serious outbreak of the cursed virus somewhere in the following mexico canada china africa or other urban countries i dont know all countries but yea so yea the virus is very deadly if u have heard about the black death then u would know how powerfull it really is the virus

if u had no intensin to read this and ur still intrested but hate reading contact me any comments or questions please contact me right away
Post #2 by FA-FALCON86 has a score of -3. show


8 months ago | Post #2
I will also be making another subject superstiotions if u care to go

it will be my next subject
Post #3 by bloodnation has a score of -5. show

bloodnationbloodnation said

8 months ago | Post #3
wtf we all know that we are going to die in 2012
Post #4 deleted
Post #5 by FA-FALCON86 has a score of -4. show


8 months ago | Post #5
look not 2012 fuck....... but, i know the mayans said that and bah there gone
Post #6 deleted
Post #7 deleted
Post #8 deleted
Post #9 by bloodnation has a score of -3. show

bloodnationbloodnation said

8 months ago | Post #9
we all die at 2012 because planet x is going to hit us
Post #10 by 38 Mario Pk has a score of -3. show

38 Mario Pk38 Mario Pk said

8 months ago | Post #10
when its 2012 there might be a big bang (a treemedus explodson) that will kill us all
Post #11 deleted
Post #12 deleted
Post #13 by eXtReMePuNk013 has a score of -2. show

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

8 months ago | Post #13 | in reply to #9
whats planet X?
Post #14 by bloodnation has a score of -3. show

bloodnationbloodnation said

8 months ago | Post #14
if u dont know what planet x is its called nibiru thats the planet that is going to kill us all
Post #15 by eXtReMePuNk013 has a score of -2. show

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

8 months ago | Post #15
hmm... i yhink it's going to be a big black hole then a big bang will hit us in 2036 or 2012
Post #16 by eXtReMePuNk013 has a score of -2. show

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

8 months ago | Post #16 | in reply to #9
where is that oh ya know "planet X" in space
Post #17 by bloodnation has a score of -2. show

bloodnationbloodnation said

8 months ago | Post #17 | in reply to #16
dude nibiru has been going around earth for millions of years and it get closer
Post #18 by riku132231 has a score of -2. show

riku132231riku132231 said

8 months ago | Post #18
all mayan died before they got to 2013 and so on
Post #19 by eXtReMePuNk013 has a score of -2. show

eXtReMePuNk013eXtReMePuNk013 said

8 months ago | Post #19

Thy face of youThy face of you said

8 months ago | Post #20
I dont beleive that we're going to die at 2012.
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