
It has been a member for 6 months, and was last logged on 5 weeks ago.

Gamer Level: 3


Marten24Marten24 said

Posted 2 months ago

Du Bist Cool.

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Posted: October 9

Pro1 got the achievement Second Boss
Second BossSecond Boss

Kill the second boss in level 8from Zombies!

Posted: September 11

Pro1 got a score of 5 in the game _dRive
_dRive_dRiveA Most Life from:
Pro1 got a score of 1 in the game Race to the Bottom
Race to the BottomRace to the BottomA Circles - 3 Players from:

Posted: September 10

Pro1 got the achievement Wrap power-up
Wrap power-upWrap power-up

Use the wrapper power-upfrom DropSum Colours

Pro1 got the achievement Score 5,000
Score 5,000Score 5,000

Reach 5,000 pointsfrom DropSum Colours

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Second Boss Second Boss

Kill the second boss in level 8 from Zombies!

Wrap power-up Wrap power-up

Use the wrapper power-up from DropSum Colours

Score 5,000 Score 5,000

Reach 5,000 points from DropSum Colours

5 high red 5 high red

Clear red tiles covering 5 rows from DropSum Colours

Pro1 has 34 achievements. View all ยป

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