X-Box 360 Portable

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Post #1 by Mr - X has a score of -2. show

Mr - XMr - X said

3 months ago | Post #1
I Think Microsoft Xbox Should Make A Xbox 360 Portable,With The Most Popular Games On It Such As: Halo 3,Halo 3 ODST,Gears Of War 2,Call Of Duty 4 And So On....

Who Agree's With Me?

MJH216MJH216 said

3 months ago | Post #2
No, i think they should make a Xbox Portable but not with all thoes games, the graphics will make them crappy.

FluffFluff said

3 months ago | Post #3
No way Microsoft can get traction in the handheld gaming market. Sony's been trying with the PSP for years with marginal success. Nintendo's got that one pretty well locked up.

Mr - XMr - X said

3 months ago | Post #4
MJH216: Actually You Have A Good Point The Graphics Would Be Crappy.

elijah77elijah77 said

2 months ago | Post #5
wow everyone knows xbox 360 is better because halo 3 is only for xbox 360 and microsoft are accally best makers....idk but sony but theres a rumor that they put something bad in the ps3's Nintendo! wow they've been working since......the 1980's?

Mr - XMr - X said

6 weeks ago | Post #6
A while ago nearly every PS3 that came out didn't have fans. So they burnt out...Alot of people were pissed. So yeah the 360 Is better than the PS3.
I also think they should make a Xbox 360 Portable, I mean PlayStation has the PS1, PS2, PS3 and the PSP. So why can't Xbox have a hand- held?
Last edited 6 weeks ago

FluffFluff said

6 weeks ago | Post #7 | in reply to #6
> A while ago nearly every PS3 that came out didn't have fans.

Cite a reference. I'm 99% certain that was just made up.

> I also think they should make a Xbox 360 Portable, I mean PlayStation has the PS1, PS2, PS3 and the PSP.

Some of these things are not like the others.

> So why can't Xbox have a hand-held?

One word: Nintendo.

MJH216MJH216 said

6 weeks ago | Post #8
Partly the reason why PS3 didn't have fans when it just came out was because hmm.... it was just on sale! Not everyone HAD one yet!.

Also, think about how much portable software Sony makes.
Then think of how much Microsoft make. There is a BIG difference.

elijah77elijah77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #9
xbox 360 portable? oh u gotta be kidding!!! WE ALLREADY HAVE A PSP,DS,DSI NOW U WANT A XBOX360 PORTABLE ZOMG!!!!

MetaloidMetaloid said

5 weeks ago | Post #10
hey if it makes money why not ?

RavenMacRavenMac said

5 weeks ago | Post #11
I had a portable 360, but i sold it.

It sat in a metal case and had a 13 inch lcd tv in it.
Find two open outlets and it works!

To bad i lost the pictures of it when i got a new computer.

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

5 weeks ago | Post #12
that wood be cool but it wood make the gaming industry more compatative and it wood sorta ruin it cuz then every1 (nintendo,sony,microsoft) would hav the same stuff :I

FluffFluff said

5 weeks ago | Post #13 | in reply to #12
Capitalism Fail. And I'm not talking about uppercase letters.

Mr - XMr - X said

5 weeks ago | Post #14
The only reason I came up with this Idea is because: The Xbox 360 has better games than the PS3 And You can't take a 360 with you when your going some where unless you have Like a bag or something, So I still think there should be a Portable 360.
Last edited 5 weeks ago

Mr - XMr - X said

5 weeks ago | Post #15
Okay I can see that nearly everyone here is against me...It would just be nice if Bungie allowed Halo to go on PS3's and PSP's...

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

5 weeks ago | Post #16 | in reply to #15
plus ppl may ignore it...more than a ds,dsi or psp so sry :P

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

5 weeks ago | Post #17 | in reply to #5
nintendo co. has been in buiseness since the 1890...yes i was sprise 2,they started working in the video game indusry in 80s go nintendo :D

elijah77elijah77 said

4 weeks ago | Post #18
Nintendo was a good system company :D

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

4 weeks ago | Post #19
and it still is!....4eva!

TotalynotanaltTotalynotanalt said

4 weeks ago | Post #20
You can't put a high graphics intensive game like Halo 3 on a handheld gaming device, not yet at least.
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