Would you rather

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MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #1
Well i havent seen i forum game called this so i decided to make it!
if there already is one (thats been out long) plz tell me!

this is how it works someone says Would you rather something or something then the other person choses a choise.

Mr. nonobian: Would you rather eat cheese or eat pie
Mrs. nonobian: eat pie. Would you rather so on and so on...

ill start!

Would you rather have a Swine flu or marry a tarantula?
Last edited a long time ago

20keagan0020keagan00 said

a long time ago | Post #2
swine flu

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #3

Would you rather eat poo or marry a donkey forever?

pokemon girlpokemon girl said

a long time ago | Post #4
uhmmmm eat poo

Would you rather eat cheese or eat a apple?

MJH216MJH216 said

a long time ago | Post #5
Eat cheese

Would you rather DIE or watch pokemon?

kittyent68kittyent68 said

a long time ago | Post #6 | in reply to #5
Watch Pokermon for how long

Would rather be in hell or in war?

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #7

Would you rather Eat a dice and get poisoned or just die?

PresseniPresseni said

a long time ago | Post #8
Eat a dice, I have lots of 'em.

Would you rather be stuck inside a house forever, or never be able to enter a house?

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #9
be stuck inside a house forever

so i dont live in a cardboard box and ill have food at least!

Would you rather be stuck in the pokemon world or go to Down below?

~~Cream the rabbit~~~~Cream the rabbit~~ said

a long time ago | Post #10

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #11

Would you rather eat cheese or pie?

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

a long time ago | Post #12

Would you rather die or get murdered?
Post #13 by MildDestruction has a score of -3. show

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #13
Die when im old (less painful)

Would you rather be bullyed or watch pokemon all night?

TifennieTifennie said

a long time ago | Post #14

Would you rather, die from being shot, or die from being strangled.
Post #15 by Cuddly Mew has a score of -3. show

Cuddly MewCuddly Mew said

a long time ago | Post #15
uuh Being shot its quicker!

Would you rather be a slave or have cancer that never lets u move But only speak?

~~Cream the rabbit~~~~Cream the rabbit~~ said

a long time ago | Post #16
Have cancer that only lets me talk

Would you rather Bungijump or get shot in the head 400 times?

MJH216MJH216 said

a long time ago | Post #17
Bungee jump. I have always wanted to do that

Would you rather Die happy or live sadly?
Last edited a long time ago

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #18
Die happy

Would you rather 1 or 2? xD
Last edited a long time ago

strawberryfizzpopstrawberryfizzpop said

a long time ago | Post #19
? lol

would u rather be a trap or be a loner

strawberryfizzpopstrawberryfizzpop said

a long time ago | Post #20
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