Would you rather

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beckinator3000beckinator3000 said

9 days ago | Post #181
go to school every day for mah life.

would you rather read this post for the rest of your life or do barrel rolls for the rest of your life

Pilot8Pilot8 said

8 days ago | Post #182
Do Barrel rolls =3 no offense but i love spinning =DD

Would You rather watch 20 episodes of Barney or drink 40 bottles of whisky?

um, i do both at the same time =3 poor children....

lolo9876lolo9876 said

7 days ago | Post #183

would you rather go swimming naked or eat frozen hamburger meat

MJH216MJH216 said

7 days ago | Post #184
Swimming naked... Don't judge me!

Would you rather see a double rainbow
See a unicorn poop sparkles

Roro419Roro419 said

7 days ago | Post #185
see a unicorn poop sparkels
lol that would be funny

would u rather... be able to fly or be able to turn invissable
o.O lol

malchickmalchick said

6 days ago | Post #186

AIDS or Cancer?

stephanie 11stephanie 11 said

6 days ago | Post #187

Would you kill a dog or kiss a cat

malchickmalchick said

6 days ago | Post #188
You've said that before, you suck at this.

Kill a dog.

Aids or Caner?

lolo9876lolo9876 said

6 days ago | Post #189

would u rather buy a dog or a cat

malchickmalchick said

6 days ago | Post #190

Aids or Cancer.

Personally I'd go with Cancer.
How about you?

lolo9876lolo9876 said

6 days ago | Post #191
i guess cancer

would you rather kill my brother or me

(my brother is mean and im nice)

ildixoxoildixoxo said

5 days ago | Post #192
ur bro
would you rather lick a shoe or a tv

Mematman15Mematman15 said

5 days ago | Post #193
a tv

Would you rather have a DSi or a PSP?

emoninja345emoninja345 said

yesterday | Post #194
would you rather eat 2,000 pounds of cheese or have a plane propeller attached to your head for ever

malchickmalchick said

yesterday | Post #195
2,000 pounds of cheese as you didn't specify the peroid of time to eat the cheese.

In a life time.. easy peasy.

pc or mac

Mematman15Mematman15 said

yesterday | Post #196
even though macs are faster i would have a pc

Would you rather die living or live dying?

malchickmalchick said

yesterday | Post #197
would you rather suck pen0rz or pen0rz suck..

stupid question.

MJH216MJH216 said

21 hours ago | Post #198
Both? (i didn't get what you were asking me

Would you rather Be rich but from robbing a bank
Be poor but be very happy
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