Would you rather

EmzEmz said

6 weeks ago | Post #21
Tramp. Tramps have trampy friends. And beards. Yum.

Would you rather have afternoon tea and scones with an Englishman or shisaa?

I know which I would pick ;]

~~Cream the rabbit~~~~Cream the rabbit~~ said

6 weeks ago | Post #22
Eglishman XD

Would you rather eat cake or pie?

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

5 weeks ago | Post #23

Would you rather Read Boring books all day or do nothing all day?
Post #24 deleted

jordie1995jordie1995 said

5 weeks ago | Post #25
Know everything for one minute.

Therefore I could remember what was important, and not shatter my kneecaps dancing for all eternity.

Would you rather live eternally (without ever being able to die for any reason), or live for a set amount of years of your choice?

yoyoitsmanyoyoitsman said

5 weeks ago | Post #26
live eternally

would you rather get killed by your crush or have to live with your worst enemy?

20keagan0020keagan00 said

5 weeks ago | Post #27
live with emeney

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

5 weeks ago | Post #28
20keagan00's seacreat question
would you rather eat cheese or eat cheese

Eat cheese!

would you rather have a donut or a cookie?
Post #29 deleted

Ashley..Ashley.. said

5 weeks ago | Post #30
swine flu

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

5 weeks ago | Post #31
Would you rather be graped by a horse or by a donkey?

No way out, you're going to get graped
Last edited 5 weeks ago

jordie1995jordie1995 said

5 weeks ago | Post #32
Do you really expect someone's dignity to fall so low as for them to say:

"I would like to get raped by a horse"

I will pass.

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

5 weeks ago | Post #33
That's exactly why I made it.

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

4 weeks ago | Post #34
uhmmm YEAA lets go back to the game...

Would you rather eat a bird or eat poison?

demonic780demonic780 said

4 weeks ago | Post #35
bird; chicken, turkey, etc...

would you rather drop a nuke on your home town, or face Chuck Norris in a fist fight?
Last edited 4 weeks ago

jonny77jonny77 said

4 weeks ago | Post #36
face chuk norris in a fight

would u rather eat 2 spiders or pucke 30 times

strawberryfizzpopstrawberryfizzpop said

4 weeks ago | Post #37

would u rather wrk at mc donalds for a week or smell REALLY BAD for a day and HAVE to go to school

masterz2399masterz2399 said

4 weeks ago | Post #38
eat mcdonalds

strawberryfizzpopstrawberryfizzpop said

4 weeks ago | Post #39
u cant eat mc donalds well i guess u would on break i meant wrk there for a week lol

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

4 weeks ago | Post #40
Hey whats the question?
Forum killer

What game is better Trappit Or Magic marbles?

2 fun games such a a hard choice!
Last edited 4 weeks ago

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