Pokemon Blue Rescue Team

elijah77elijah77 said

4 months ago | Post #1
anyone need help? reply to this forum and tell me the code is dont want money i just like gummi's lol well tell me if u need rescuing!!!!!!
Post #2 by Mr - X has a score of -4. show

Mr - XMr - X said

4 months ago | Post #2
uh...this is online,you cant rescue any-one.

elijah77elijah77 said

4 months ago | Post #3 | in reply to #2
on ds!!!!!!!!!...u dont know this game? then leave this forum...please
Post #4 by Mr - X has a score of -4. show

Mr - XMr - X said

2 months ago | Post #4
....uh...if it's on "DS" What Was The Point Of Making This Forum?

elijah77elijah77 said

2 months ago | Post #5
-_- u dont get it do you? they tell me the code and ill rescue them

Mr - XMr - X said

2 months ago | Post #6
...Uh....I Do Get It..But Still There's No Point Of This Forum,I Mean Who Plays Pokemon Anyway?

elijah77elijah77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #7
pfft leave...NOW everyone has pokemon...mostly pokemon fans!!!!!....1st.why did u come to this forum anyway if u dont like it 2nd.its best for you to leave this forum now because ur making this worse

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

5 weeks ago | Post #8
i wish i had the pkmn team rescue games T_T

Mr - XMr - X said

5 weeks ago | Post #9
Oh...you think i'm making it Worst now huh? Well you havn't seen anything. I can destory this forum and course choas!! Muahaha!!! (Okay I went a little crazy there)

elijah77elijah77 said

4 weeks ago | Post #10
anyone need help? reply to this forum and tell me the code is dont want money i just like gummi's lol well tell me if u need rescuing!!!!!!

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