Platform Racing 3

Dry BowserDry Bowser said

a long time ago | Post #1
This Platform Racing 3 is Coming soon or I don't know? :P

MetaKnightmare555MetaKnightmare555 said

a long time ago | Post #2
It is coming out this year, or next, I think.

~APM-01~~APM-01~ said

a long time ago | Post #3
In about a year... Of course, since Jonathan is helping Jacob-Jiggmin-I think it should cut out a couple of months... :P

renewedrenewed said

a long time ago | Post #4
awesome PR3 i love the platform racing games

Dry BowserDry Bowser said

a long time ago | Post #5

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #6
You know the person who uploads that game will have infinet fame around noobs...

renewedrenewed said

a long time ago | Post #7
and me...although im not a noob i just made this profile and deleted my old one...what new features will be in it?

justin bob 20justin bob 20 said

a long time ago | Post #8
how come i'm always good and helpfull in chat but i'm never a temp mod can i help make pr3

renewedrenewed said

a long time ago | Post #9
im not sure im not sure we r the people to ask but im not sure

pimppinman12334pimppinman12334 said

a long time ago | Post #10
it might be this and next or i dont know all i know its coming soon
Post #11 by brian griffin is hidden because that user is banned. show

brian griffin said

9 months ago | Post #11
platform 1 and two were good but this is gonna be great

q*bertq*bert said

3 weeks ago | Post #12
I sure hope it's soon! :)

q*bertq*bert said

3 weeks ago | Post #13 | in reply to #12
I love that game
Post #14 deleted

b52 bommerb52 bommer said

3 weeks ago | Post #15
cant be ths year unless it a prezzy for christmas

btw im lv 14 need more exp

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