1,000,000 Users

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HomeHome said

3 months ago | Post #1
Nonoba now has over 1,000,000 users! Congrats!

I remember when it only had a few thousand.

Last edited 12 days ago

][Steven][][Steven][ said

3 months ago | Post #2
Hurray for Nonoba :D

TobyToby said

3 months ago | Post #3
I'll do the epic bubble burst:

Current registered users: 966,859

But yay for nostalgia! :D

Hall MoniterHall Moniter said

3 months ago | Post #4
Yay nonoba :D

jordie1995jordie1995 said

3 months ago | Post #5
Nope, I'm sure Home's right, I just made a user and it was number 1,002,533.

Well Done Nonoba!!!

I suppose Toby's number doesn't those members who deleted their profiles, whereas mine does?
Last edited 3 months ago

TobyToby said

3 months ago | Post #6
Plus some of those are gamerise users. But yeah, I dunno if my number includes deleted accounts. :3

HomeHome said

3 months ago | Post #7 | in reply to #3
Where did you see the 966,859 number?

jordie1995jordie1995 said

3 months ago | Post #8
Toby will probably see it when he clicks on his admin tab? It's displayed at the top.

Su-yeonSu-yeon (online) said

3 months ago | Post #9
OH Nonoba!


The NobaThe Noba said

3 months ago | Post #10
Oh right for Nonoba :D

Andrew The StalkerAndrew The Stalker said

2 months ago | Post #11
interesting who will be the 1.000.000 user? XD

brian griffinv3.0brian griffinv3.0 said

2 months ago | Post #12
not 1,000,000 individual members judging on the fact about 5 people get banned a day and people make new profiles i have 34 personally big has 32 so on.but congrats nonoba..woot...

HomeHome said

2 months ago | Post #13
Having tons of profiles is so 2008.

jkjk said

2 months ago | Post #14
lol, whew, i remember this sight in the beggining. its changed

TifennieTifennie said

2 months ago | Post #15
Just wondering... But how do you figure out your number? Please help me :3

AmiAthenaAmiAthena said

2 months ago | Post #16
What number you see depends on where you look....
Post #17 by The Noba has a score of -11. show

The NobaThe Noba said

2 months ago | Post #17
I am not the 1,000,000 user though. I may look it but I am not

cyberdemonkcyberdemonk said

2 months ago | Post #18
Is over 1000000!!!

Champions leauge expertChampions leauge expert said

2 months ago | Post #19
but it is maybe 10 % of the nonoba population who is using nonoba daily..:p

kitty.LICKerkitty.LICKer said

2 months ago | Post #20
1 000 000 users or 1 000 000 profiles?
1 000 000 profiles =
10% active users
40% in-active users
50% alts

who are currently

85% active
10% banned
05% permabanned
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