The Platinum Crew

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bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

3 months ago | Post #1
So,my friend totogo and I have been deciding on a name for a new crew!We decided to name it the Platinum Crew.Please join! There are 20 slots.If you want to join you can pm me or totogo.(Please don't tell us in this forum).If you do tell us in this forum we might not accept it.We will tell you what to do after you pm us.

The Platinum Crew
Post #2 by den3107 has a score of -5. show

den3107den3107 said

3 months ago | Post #2
stop making crew!!!

we already have like 10!!!
Post #3 by Teo10 has a score of -2. show

Teo10Teo10 said

3 months ago | Post #3
im wif den
theres ex ma fg ga fx and moar!
so dont add any more groups kk?
plz stop the down ratings its making me mad >:(
Last edited 3 months ago
Post #4 deleted
Post #5 deleted
Post #6 deleted
Post #7 by Teo10 has a score of -5. show

Teo10Teo10 said

3 months ago | Post #7
crews :
nf ga fg ex ec fx ma
so is it nessisary to start another u newblet?

totogototogo said

3 months ago | Post #8
Totogo here still 20 slots!
Post #9 deleted

bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

3 months ago | Post #10
19 slots left

326534326534 said

3 months ago | Post #11
duh that was me
Post #12 by 326534 has a score of -4. show

326534326534 said

3 months ago | Post #12
duh that was me

bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

3 months ago | Post #13
yea thanks for joining
Post #14 by Teo10 has a score of -2. show

Teo10Teo10 said

3 months ago | Post #14
meh if he join i might as well...
im a crew person
i join alot of crews impress ppl and leave
i do that so my popularity rises
and i get in moar crews
my overall goal is:
get into the EX crew
get ee animator
get ee attacker(dont use)
get cheat engine
get wpe pro(use with animator overall goal)

doodleriderdoodlerider said

3 months ago | Post #15
so ur like a mercinary working for crews XD

ill cross out get in to,wpe pro,ex crew,.
wpe pr o is like a virus and ex crew gone,all they do now is play old ones but still very fun 2 play yeep.. :)


Last edited 3 months ago

bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

3 months ago | Post #16
Teo 10 pm me to join

totogototogo said

3 months ago | Post #17
18 slots left!

totogototogo said

3 months ago | Post #18
18 slots left!

ZolarinZolarin said

3 months ago | Post #19
Më Plëäsê

bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

3 months ago | Post #20
pm me and ill talk with you there

P.M(private message)
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