Snake Tournament, once we get 16 ppl your group of ppl will agree on a time

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Post #1 deleted

xxxxxx said

a long time ago | Post #2
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Post #4 deleted

TonyStewartfan14TonyStewartfan14 said

a long time ago | Post #5
why you are get 16 peoples join and Yes I am in


a long time ago | Post #6 | in reply to #5
there is going to be 16 ppl so there can be 8 games of 1vs1, then the winners of those games have 2 games of full rooms, then the 2 ppl left have a 1vs1 to determine the winner

TonyStewartfan14TonyStewartfan14 said

a long time ago | Post #7
ohhhh ok

Kove1Kove1 said

a long time ago | Post #8

Kove1Kove1 said

a long time ago | Post #9

xxxxxx said

a long time ago | Post #10
keep it 1 vs 1...then we have a game ! o and im in<<<<


a long time ago | Post #11
the 1st and 3rd set of match up are 1vs 1, but the 2nd round is full room, still in?
Post #12 by jack r has a score of -3. show

jack rjack r said

a long time ago | Post #12
why have a tournament when there's one already running

seviperseviper said

a long time ago | Post #13
lag keeps kickin' in on mine
Post #14 by Sweeney_Todd has a score of -5. show

Sweeney_ToddSweeney_Todd said

a long time ago | Post #14
the tournament needs a pro..

i'm in !

i'll kick ur ass
Post #15 by Sweeney_Todd has a score of -5. show

Sweeney_ToddSweeney_Todd said

a long time ago | Post #15
the tournament needs a pro..

i'm in !

i'll kick ur ass

bigfatsnoozybigfatsnoozy said

a long time ago | Post #16
im in

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

a long time ago | Post #17
I guess im in
(GMT is the exact time for me anyways XD)


a long time ago | Post #18
sign me up im in
Post #19 deleted
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