Multiplayer Snake
Turn with the left and right arrow keys. Eat the apples before your opponent does. Don't hit the walls, your opponents or yourself. The last one standing wins.
A four-player version of Snake. It's in beta, so all constructive feedback is welcome. Tell me what you'd like to see in the game, what you think is wrong. And most important, report any stupid bugs.
Version 0.75
- Lag reduced, report any constant lag experience, thanks
Version 0.7:
- Players can win by eating 10 apples, or being the last snake "standing"
- Minor graphical updates
- 5 second autostart if the majority are ready
- New rankings (Wins with Apples, Wins with Survival, Suicides and Kills)
Version 0.6:
- Two to Four-player games
- Single player practice while waiting for other players.

This game was the weekly best game of
Nov 17 to Nov 23