Post Your Scores Here

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Post #21 deleted

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

yesterday | Post #22
HAHA i told you i should have a better score now it's 12460 so i got better then u LORD X
and elldaman311 ur tip works if ur slow or invisible then you need to get those 3 tricks:
on the edge, in reverse, in straight line
then it will give you lots of score also do this in beginning if the speed is still slow
;Þ ;Þ ;Þ

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #23
Aww! I gotta try harder again!

Lord XLord X said

yesterday | Post #24
haha WindColors and grr at KingStriker7 u took meh rank :O
1- Elldaman311
2- KingStriker7
3- Lord X
$- WindColors

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #25
I don't have a number! You bish xD

I'm all about money, isn't it you sicko? ;b

Lord XLord X said

yesterday | Post #26 | in reply to #25
Lol what did you say.. :O? ( Really I understood nothing.. )

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #27
haha WindColors and grr at KingStriker7 u took meh rank :O
1- Elldaman311
2- KingStriker7
3- Lord X
$- WindColors <.....

Instead of a number, you gave me $ o.O

X Lord XX Lord X said

yesterday | Post #28 | in reply to #27
OOh Sorry lol I think I mistakely pressed shift button..
well here you go :-
4- WindColors ;P

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #29
yeah right ;b

Lord XLord X said

yesterday | Post #30
10310 still didnot beat kingstriker7 but its my best now.

Lord XLord X said

yesterday | Post #31
10310 still didnot beat kingstriker7 but its my best now.

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #32
12800 ;b

Suck my... ;D

Lord XLord X said

yesterday | Post #33 | in reply to #32
(Bad Words..)
ok.. ok...
1- Elldaman311
2- WindColors
3- KingStriker7
4- Lord X

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

yesterday | Post #34
are we the only guys who are playing this or the only guys who are posting our scores on this???
BTW windcolours i think you just jalouze on my score so you keep doing and doing it untill you got it better i dont i just play if i saw that sum1 beaten me i dont like to be last =Þ =Þ :Þ

X Lord XX Lord X said

yesterday | Post #35 | in reply to #34
Lol and the game has got many plays but I think we are the only ones Posting our scores.

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #36
King guy, i just want to get better score than Lord X xP

Lord XLord X said

3 hours ago | Post #37
1- WindColors
2- Elldaman311
3- KingStriker7
4- Lord X

drmitchell1drmitchell1 said

one hour ago | Post #38
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