Post Your Scores Here

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Lord XLord X (online) said

5 days ago | Post #1
Hopefully I will put highscores in , but until then you can post your highest score here.
Starting by me ;P I got 2120 (+1 Upgrade Point)
Post #2 deleted

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

4 days ago | Post #3
My Highest Was 5530 points But There Is 1 Bug:
The Achievement: Now your Thinking In Portals Wont Work For Me Cuz I Teleported Me 5 Times In That Game!

bendorbendor said

4 days ago | Post #4
im 16579906455344346 is easy

bendorbendor said

4 days ago | Post #5
I told him I came out

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

3 days ago | Post #6
Bendor i dont believe you if you say that you had that score or you must have some cheats done or sumthing but lots of players does that so your not alone but i'm not one of those guys i PLAY FAIR!

elldaman311elldaman311 said

3 days ago | Post #7
The best score I got on it is 36000 or so. The difficulty stops increasing at 15k i think so if you can get past there its just a matter of patience, when you get ghost or slow abilities its best to turn on speed mode and go right to the front of the screen to get good points.
Not that hard really.

Lord XLord X (online) said

3 days ago | Post #8
:O I play again and again all i get was 3000 ;P , so still the lowest .
Nice score kingstriker7 , elldaman .
I'm sorry bendor but your score looks un real to me.. + ur last number in score is always 0 you have 6 ..

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

2 days ago | Post #9
ha see it mean that u cheat and just typed a random nuber as ur score TO BAD FOR U dude!
and elldaman i have to say this to u:
NICE SCORE i'll try to do my best to have a good score to.

X Lord XX Lord X said

2 days ago | Post #10 | in reply to #9
Bendor has been banned ;O ;P

WindColorsWindColors said

2 days ago | Post #11
I think i'm the only noob here o.O 1770 xD

X Lord XX Lord X said

2 days ago | Post #12
Thats me playing :O
lol WindColors ;P .

WindColorsWindColors said

2 days ago | Post #13
Gotta try harder ;b

I'm gonna play with my penis now, maybe he can do it better...

Oh Gawd... he did!

987987987978979879879798798789789789 points!

My dick really rocks ;)

X Lord XX Lord X said

2 days ago | Post #14 | in reply to #13
Haha Rofl !!

WindColorsWindColors said

2 days ago | Post #15
Hey Guys! Try to play with it too! I can garantee you, it'll be the best night of your lifes o.O

WindColorsWindColors said

2 days ago | Post #16
A less shitty score now
3640 points ;b

X Lord XX Lord X said

2 days ago | Post #17 | in reply to #16
:O so you drop me to last again :o
1- elldaman311
2- Kingstriker7
3- WindColors
4- Lord X

WindColorsWindColors said

2 days ago | Post #18
;o Keep playing dude ;b

Lord XLord X (online) said

2 days ago | Post #19 | in reply to #18
And so I did and got 6560 XD Ranking now :-
1- elldaman311
2- Lord X
3- KingStriker7
4- WindColors

Kingstriker7Kingstriker7 said

yesterday | Post #20
CRAP man i could have a better score if the teleport thingie should work i did teleport but he didn't do it so i got stuck! :( :( :(
at least i will try to get better then my highscore so i can be first or second
;Þ ;Þ ;Þ
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