FLTron Premier League

SvictorSSvictorS said

4 weeks ago | Post #41
hbala and I played our match, scores:

hbala/svic(0-3): 3-4 - 0-4 - 1-4

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

4 weeks ago | Post #42
Damnit hbala. I had faith.

I'm not too confident about this, as even if I win the 1v1 and the FFA, I'll probably still be about 5th.

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 weeks ago | Post #43
You will definitely qualify if you win both. Let me explain why. Lets assume that you did actually win them both, and ended the Silver round with 11 points.

The only player that can get higher than 11 points without winning an FFA match is obesebumfluff. So lets assume the worst happens and he did win his 1v1 against me and got 13 points(higher than 11). Any other player who wants to get higher than 11 points, MUST win the FFA. Since we assume that u won 1 of them, only 1 other player will win the other 1. So in that case you'll be 3rd if not 2nd and in rare cases you could end up being 1st, but definitely you won't be lower than 3rd.

1.Obesebumfluff winning his 1v1
2.The other player that wins an FFA

This is almost the same for gertrude as well. Hope that was helpful and clear.
Last edited 4 weeks ago

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

4 weeks ago | Post #44
It was :) Thanks.

What about if I just win the FFA? ;D

gertrudegertrude said

4 weeks ago | Post #45
tlt just cant get enough of me

gertrudegertrude said

4 weeks ago | Post #46
so hbala is out of the competition

Obese Wan KenobiObese Wan Kenobi said

4 weeks ago | Post #47
not if me, tlt vic and ells win the 1v1s, and you and hbala win the ffas.

then it would be

obese 13
svic 10
tlt 10
hbala 8
sol 6
ells 6
gert 6
lb 5

I think...

gertrudegertrude said

4 weeks ago | Post #48
didnt realise how much the ffas were worth
i hope i beat tlt

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 weeks ago | Post #49 | in reply to #44
Well... That means you will end up with only 7 points which is a bit low to qualify. You might though. In this case gertrude winning against tlt is helpful for you. ObeseBumfluff defeating me is also helpful since he already got higher than 7 points.

twinnylovestwinnytwinnylovestwinny said

2 weeks ago | Post #50
Me and Getrude Played our 1v1, scores:

TwinnylovesTwinny/Gertrude(3-0): 4-0, 4-1, 4-2

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

2 weeks ago | Post #51
Poor gerty.

Tell sol to come online sometime. I'm ready to pwn him.

Laninha21Laninha21 said

2 weeks ago | Post #52
fiquei de fora =[

Laninha21Laninha21 said

2 weeks ago | Post #53
fiquei de fora =[

gertrudegertrude said

2 weeks ago | Post #54
poor me :(

LightBeamLightBeam said

2 weeks ago | Post #55
Well.. me and obese will play on sunday and if not we'll play on monday. I've been trying to get you and Solitary together, but when I say your names, no one responds :(. Please try to come tonight Ellsming, so that I can let Solitary know when to play. He's not active at all these days.

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

2 weeks ago | Post #56
I'll be here :)

LightBeamLightBeam said

13 days ago | Post #57
me and obese played he won 4-3, 4-3, 4-1.

Mr. EMr. E said

13 days ago | Post #58
poor arab. :(

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

13 days ago | Post #59
Poor BB.

Mr. EMr. E said

12 days ago | Post #60
Poor Sming.
Juz' for being a noob.

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