FLTron Premier League

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LightBeamLightBeam said

10 days ago | Post #61
Hello all. I'm going to try and finish this tournament before christmas, because SvictorS will be leaving for a while. So I may need to rush things, and request players to play there matches as soon as they can whether they were mentally and/or physically ready or not. This tournament already took a while. Now I understand that we are stuck in a 1v1 match. The player who seems to be impeding this match is mostly Solitary. I'll ask him to play as soon as I see him, but if he didn't play by the end of this week, then I guess I don't have a choice but to kick him out.

As for the FFA in the silver round, I think it will be a meaningless match for some players, in that case, they are welcome and will be encouraged to play, but if they couldn't show up for some reason, then the match could be played without them.

After that the Golden Round will come, I think it's a good idea to finish this off in one session, because it only involves 4 players.

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

10 days ago | Post #62
I'm available every day this week after 4pm GMT. Let me know, sol.

SvictorSSvictorS said

9 days ago | Post #63
aw! lol there's no need to rush things up arab, 3 options are possible here;

1- what you suggested.
2- kick me out of the tourney =/
3- freeze it for xmas 3-4 weeks :o

I'd suggest to make a vote or something like that, maybe players can't handle to play this week, or maybe they want to slow it down, or they don't want to wait for meh, I'm cool with any of those options ,

obesebumfluffobesebumfluff said

9 days ago | Post #64
I vote the second option.

DemiDexDemiDex said

9 days ago | Post #65
me too 2nd option

hbalahbala said

9 days ago | Post #66
I vote for trying to hurry up things.

twinnylovestwinnytwinnylovestwinny said

9 days ago | Post #67
I vote that sol just plays his match instead of messing us all about!

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

9 days ago | Post #68
I vote all 3. For Sol to hurry up, for Svic to be kicked, then for us to wait 3-4 weeks before continuing :) Everybody's a winner.

...except Svic.

...and everybody else who doesn't win.


LightBeamLightBeam said

8 days ago | Post #69
well. I've already talked to Solitary, he said he might forfeit himself because his PC is lagging but he'll try to fix it and play nevertheless. So probably the 1st option is the best. I don't like the 2nd option, since victor is a candidate to win this tournament along with tlt and obese. I don't think the 3rd option is any good either. So Sol has thursday and friday to play. If not I'm removing him.


8 days ago | Post #70
ffs , temme solitary is a boy or a girl -.-

SolitarySolitary said

8 days ago | Post #71
I was here yesterday but Ells had to go...

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

8 days ago | Post #72
I'm available all of tonight. As soon as you're ready, get someone to get my attention and I'll be here.

LightBeamLightBeam said

8 days ago | Post #73
Ellsming played with Solitary. A very close and interesting match. Ellsming won :-


And so one thing remains for the Silver round, a bloody FFA. Here are the points

1.obesebumbluff 13pts
2.twinnylovestwinny 10pts
3.SvictorS 10pts
4.Ellsming 6pts
5.Solitary 6pts
6.LightBeam 5pts
7.hbala 3pts
8.gertrude 1pt
Last edited 8 days ago

LightBeamLightBeam said

8 days ago | Post #74
What should happen for you to qualify?

1.obesebumfluff qualified
2.tlt qualified

3.SvictorS qualifies if he wins his ffa or one of the following 2 happen

a.Soliary loses.
b.Ellsming loses.

4.Ellsming qualifies if he wins or hbala,lightbeam, and solitary fail to win.

5.Solitary qualifies if he wins the ffa and Ellsming doesn't win his.

6.LightBeam qualifies if he wins the ffa and Ellsming doesn't win his.

7.hbala qualifies if he wins the ffa and 1 of the following happens

a.twinnylovestwinny wins his ffa.
b.gertrude wins his ffa.

8.gertrude can't qualify anymore.

Tell me if i got anything wrong.
Last edited 8 days ago

obesebumfluffobesebumfluff said

8 days ago | Post #75
wow looked like a good match, disappointed I missed it.

obesebumfluffobesebumfluff said

8 days ago | Post #76
Also Ellsming would have 6 points not 7 wouldnt he?

LightBeamLightBeam said

8 days ago | Post #77
omg.. ur totally right obese! thanks

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

8 days ago | Post #78
Dammit obese... :/

obesebumfluffobesebumfluff said

8 days ago | Post #79
sorry :)
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