Clan IZKG International Zombie Killing Group Applicants

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CyndaquilCyndaquil said

5 weeks ago | Post #1
Anyone with a score of over 3000 and a Nonoba account can join I'll update listings if anyone joins checking applications is done monthly though the first friday of a month starting 11-27-09
Saturday/Sunday 5:00- 7:00PM CST plus 6:00
Weekdays 4:00-8:30PM CST plus 6:00 (just look it up)
Make your application like this
(Job you want to apply for) - (Username)
(Your approximate score rounded to thousand when typing this)

Game Name: Clan IZKG Only!
1. Clan Leader - Cyndaquil - Control of Clan - 8,000 Average Player
2. Event Organizer - N/A - Control of organizing Events
3. Clan Force Commander - N/A - Control of all Recruits
4. News Spreader - N/A - Spreads news and events
5. Living Recruit - Blooded Elite - Kill Zombies - 519,000- UBER
6. Living Recruit - PFC Clay - Kill Zombies - 170,000 Army Soldier
7. Living Recruit - brian griffinv3.0 - Kill Zombies - 70,000 Fine
8. Living Recruit - death212 - Kill Zombies - 60,000- Really Good
9. Living Recruit - IROCKUSUCK - Kill Zombies - 81,000 Obsessed
10. Living Recruit - N/A - Kill Zombies
11. Living Recruit - N/A - Kill Zombies
12. Living Recruit - N/A - Kill Zombies
13. Living Recruit - N/A - Kill Zombies
14. Creative person - N/A - Think up of names for Clan Games
Last edited 2 weeks ago
Post #2 deleted

firesid27firesid27 said

5 weeks ago | Post #3
I'll apply for the Clan Force Commander-Firesid27
My score is 163000
Last edited 5 weeks ago

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

5 weeks ago | Post #4
ok may i join?
Post #5 by Shadow Wolf 23 has a score of -2. show

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

5 weeks ago | Post #5
ok may i join?

Bloody BunnyBloody Bunny said

5 weeks ago | Post #6
i'll join with my other account: Blooded Elite i have like 400,000 points

Bloody BunnyBloody Bunny said

5 weeks ago | Post #7
and i guess i'll just be a recruit

CyndaquilCyndaquil said

5 weeks ago | Post #8 | in reply to #3
Until you decide between "Pros" or "Clan IZKG" and reply on this or my profile you have to be blank

PFC ClayPFC Clay said

5 weeks ago | Post #9
living recruit PFC Clay
creative person PFC Clay


rank 123

Bloody BunnyBloody Bunny said

5 weeks ago | Post #10
living recruit Blooded Elite


rank 19
Post #11 deleted

CyndaquilCyndaquil said

5 weeks ago | Post #12 | in reply to #9
Please respond with ONLY 1 job you want to apply for

PFC ClayPFC Clay said

4 weeks ago | Post #13
omg. whatever. im not picky. i just wanna play with good people. lets doit already

brian griffinv3.0brian griffinv3.0 said

4 weeks ago | Post #14
i apply 70000

death212death212 said

4 weeks ago | Post #15
ill apply my score is 53131

death212death212 said

4 weeks ago | Post #16
ill be a living recruit


4 weeks ago | Post #17
ill join im 170 ranked and have over 81000 points


3 weeks ago | Post #18
i have more than 120,000 now

Bloody BunnyBloody Bunny said

3 weeks ago | Post #19
i have 518,736 now

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

3 weeks ago | Post #20
coun't me an if u want to i mean i bought every-thing...
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