Clan IZKG International Zombie Killing Group Applicants

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PFC ClayPFC Clay said

3 weeks ago | Post #21

death212death212 said

3 weeks ago | Post #22
im now almost 60000

CyndaquilCyndaquil said

3 weeks ago | Post #23
No new applicants = No new people so sorry but wait until next week

PFC ClayPFC Clay said

3 weeks ago | Post #24
when we gonna play, weekends? name the battle IZKG or somthin? what now?

CyndaquilCyndaquil said

2 weeks ago | Post #25
I'll post the times when the actual clan games are going to be

Blooded EliteBlooded Elite said

13 days ago | Post #26
i have like 593,000 now :)

firesid27firesid27 said

3 days ago | Post #27
i have 211,000 and ill join your group instead of the pros
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