Welcome to my profile
UPDATE: 6-19-09: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! (runs around screaming) SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! ok i'm done... for now... :D 8D well, in honor of my birthday, I have a special confession to make. I've been wanting to make this for a while. I... AM.... IN... LOVE... WITH.... TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO FUDGING OBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah, if you like twilight, you can add me but i'm probably going to make another account dedicated to all those who love twilight by me. so yeah.... for all of you, I AM TEAM EDWARD FOREVER BABY!!!!!!! EDWARD AND BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREW YOU JACOB! i don't like him... >.< -_- watevs, i won't talk about him too much lolz... ok well bye for now! P.S I'm listening to the Twilight soundtrack while I type this!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! Hello! I will not tell you my real name but you can call me either Raven, Carmelita, or my full name, CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove. I am a girl who: -is random -likes Doctor Who (David Tennant is sexy when wet! 4 more info plz c the episode "The Runaway Bride" shortly after donna swings toward him.) Also Torchwood. -Has a PS2 -Beat all 3 Sly Cooper Games like 12,000 times -Likes Nonoba -Is learning how to put in Bgs and other technical stuff. (i'm smart but I'm not a technical person. HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!! -Watches most shows on <----- plz don't click this I don't know where it goes. I didn't mean 4 it to be a link, but the computer obviously doesn't like me right now :P -Listens to oldies music 98.1 WOGL The Greatest Hits of the 60s and 70s OH YEAH!!! ROSS BRITAIN AND THE BREAKFAST CLUB!!1 -Plays softball -can make a Liverpool Accent though I am American -Am part E.T. : I can bend the first knuckle down from the top of my finger and keep it like that for a while. I call it E.T. Finger -I like to go on www.funnyjunk.com hence the name. it has funny stuff that I will most likely be putting up on here when I'm certain I know how. Right now I like the one on the highway where the electric sign on a bridge reads "SOME ASSHOLE TALKING ON HIS CELLPHONE GOT CREAMED" to me right now, that's hysterical. XD -I also like the show Totally Spies, but I haven't really kept up with it. -I like to get my nails done, and sometimes my toes. - Favorite Book(s): "Bigger" and "Sooner" by Patricia Calvert. Such tear-jerking books. -I don't know what else to write right no w but I'll put more later. :D Remember, I'm still learning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Teen Titans #1 Fan. (Any Titans fans Wanna Try Me, I'm Game!! :D :D ) [note: I am the animated series #1 fan. do not ask me questions from the comic books!] In that show, I am a fan of two different paths of relationships. Either Star/Rob, Rae/BB and Cy/Bee <--- (i like ths way better) or Rae/Rob <---- (a great couple!), BB/Terra, and Star/Cy. If you don't watch Teen Titans, you won't know what I'm talking about, but it's really a great show, and any people who have not heard of it should go to www.titansgo.net and learn up. TITANS FANS GO!
Teen Titans! From Left to Right: Cyborg, Raven (My Fav!), Beast Boy, Robin, and Starfire. :D This pic is from the movie. but i got the screenshot from, where else? www.titansgo.net
The Sly Cooper Games are still cool.
KOOLIO IMAGE FROM SLY 1! (even tho it says it's from Sly 2 it's not) [lol]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9/15/08 finished 10:10 pm
THE MEAN SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER Ok, i am super pissed today because my social studies teacher was the biggest d**** b** ever! Ok, i was assigned to do a poster on aphrodite (a greek goddess) and i made it beautiful and all. BUT i have no printer at me mom's house. he said that if we have printing troubles, we can e-mail the pictures to him and he'll print them out and give them to us in class on monday. he ALSO said that we would have time to work on these on monday. along comes monday and he tells us we have to turn them in TODAY. so i tell him, "... i have printer trouble, and i e-mailed you with pictures, " ok he's looking at the ground with his hands on his hips. he nods his head. "and you didn't give them to me so i thought" now he shakes his head "well, i was just wondering if it would be ok," he shakes his head and says "yeah its ok, well i mean, its not ok. you know, what's there is there, and thats it." ok so now im screwed. i graded myself as an A grade because thats fair, i mean except for the bottom left-hand corner saying "OTHER PICTURES:" and the huge blank space there... so yeah, my social studies teacher is a liar and im pissed off about it. i mean, my friend thought it was due, THIS FRIDAY. she had it sketched out in pencil!! i feel bad 4 her. but i thought i'd share this story with you. so yeah. DX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oooooh the purple is pretty! ok no idea what to write... OH! let's try jokes! - why does monday feel like tuesday, tuesday feel like wednesday, wednesday feel like thursday, thursday feel like friday, friday feel like saturday, saturday feel like sunday, and sunday feel like monday? cuz your vcr is set 1 day ahead. ( i made that up myself!) -i'll add more later.
OMG CAN SUM1 PLZ HELP ME? I CANT PUT PICS ON HERE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHENEVER I PUT A PICTURE I GET THIS.
wait i figured something out. i cant get pics off flickr. ok well now thats resolved.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well, i don't know what else to do, so when all else fails, put pics on ur profile!
(ok can't get them from funnyjunk either. THAT SUX BAD!!!!!)
yes i will hug you. cuz ur so cute!!!
"Boredom... The one thing that keeps us going until something freaking interesting happens already!" -CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove 9/20/08
"There's a reason God made nuts fall in the streets. He is lonely and wants more squirrels up there with him." -CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove 9/21/08
ok time for cool things! ok well does any1 else get the thing that says: would you like to allow this page to use microsoft clipboard? (if done, the webpage can view EVERYTHING you've copied and pasted. i don't want that so i sed no. WELL THEN IT JUST WON'T LET ME PUT ANYTHING ON MAH PROFILE THAT I MUST HIGHLIGHT AND COPY AND PASTE! WELL NOW DOESN'T THAT SUCK! DX DX :( :( ): ):
It has: The Full Theme Song (English) The Full Theme Song (Japanese) The Theme Song (TV Version) (English) The Theme Song (TV Version0 (Japanese) Larry's Version of the Theme Song (Japanese Only) (duh) The Credits Theme The Trouble in Tokyo Opening Theme The Trouble in Tokyo Ending Theme Master of Your Fate (the like, ONLY Musical Number in the series!)(from "Bunny Raven or How to Make a Titananimal Disappear") They Even Have Cyborg's Little Song in the beginning of "Titans East Part 1"!
BTW ALL OF THESE ARE FOUND ON titansgo.net which, in my opinion, is THE BEST WEBSITE FOR TEEN TITANS EVER!!!!!!!!
That's about all I got for today... 9/27/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok the following funny things happened when i played Dad n' Me: omg i had a lot of fun playing this for the following reasons: (btw i told every1 in the chat room at the time and they lol'd so hard!) i saw the kid on the seal going back and forth and i was like "that kid's humping a seal! They're teaching 1st graders bad habits these days." then i beat him, he fell into two propane tanks and KA-BLAM!!!! next i saw the boy scouts and i said "ok sneak attack on the boy scouts," but then they ran across the street and got hit by the UPS guy and an ambulance! "the UPS guy was probably thinking 'I'm delivering your death, littlekids!' and the ambulances motto was probably 'save one life, kill another few.' " then i saw a chinese kid get killed by running into traffic repeatedly. "he was probably an emo chinese. or a dumb one. or both." these are the reasons why i <3 this game, and the funny things that happened tonight. i felt like i was going to throw up i was laughing so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Raven 9/27/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What a change in mood. Today I remembered a poem I made when I was feeling emo. Comment and tell me what you think, but don't forget about the other cool things on my profile! Okay, here it is:
leaf It trembles in the wind. It falls from the tree and lands in sadness. It crumbles into small hopeless pieces when it is crushed into the ground by the stomping of passing strangers, not even giving it a passing glance... It freezes in the low dropping temperatures, its pain coming to an end... leaf. It dies cold and alone.
-Raven typed 9/28/08
These are my words. they came from my head, and my thoughts. I was kind enough to share them with you, so treat them with respect. You may put them on your profile, but please give me credit by not only putting my full name, (CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove), but also tell others that if they want to put it on theirs, to use my name as well. thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Well I see a lot of people put who they like on their profile on Nonoba. I would do this, except for the simple fact that I have 105 friends (and growing!) and if I put the 15 people I can think of off the top of my head, the other 90 people will ask "Wh- Why aren't I on your friends list? ;_; Did you forget me?"
I don't forget anyone or anything. (mostly) because I have an idetic memory. If you treat me nice I will probably reemember you if I see you in chat or something. If you treat me like sh!t, the same goes.
I accept friend requests if basically, they place a comment like "Hey your cool, could you add me?" or "your profile rocks! add me?" I do not like it when people add me and say NOTHING!!!!!! Then I don't know what kind of person you are. Still (if I'm feeling generous) I might add you anyway. But I'm not very leniant in that area so don't rely on that. The only other reason I might not add you is because: I SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I have a few guys who want to be my friend but their whole profile text and comments are in spanish!!!!!!! I would be your friend but I wouldn't be able to communucate with you!!!!!!!!! SO SORRY!!
In the next post I will put the people who are mean on Nonoba, and after THAT probably a shout out to some people. I might even put a section of my newest friends. Ok, so yeah. Read on, and stuff!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE MEANEST MEANIES TO TALK TO MEH IN NONOBA!!!!! (man if your names on here, you must REALLY have pissed me off!) darcie_26 <--------- never met her? hey LUCKY YOU!!!!!!! Kodomo - best friend to darcie_26, and equally as rude. James242 <--------- just go die. I shouldn't have to be bothered with your annoyance when I'm trying to play drawpad and talk to my friends.
yeah... unfortunetley more to come...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hokay (reference to...?) here are my shout-outs to awesome people!!!!!!!!! If you're not on here yet you sure will be later!!!!!!
timz - you iz mah fwend and Nonoba was just an @$$ for separatin us. (see more below.)
KC Managra - <-------------- my fellow Teen Titans Fan!!!!!!! :D You. Rock. Dude. Also, I'm working on the trivia. :)P
Patty Kay - you are like me. creative and happy. and cute. Where did you even go? O.O
Godot - you are nice to me and maybe a yes to your question...? (IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN KEEP YOUR NOSES OUT!^^^^^^^)
~LoveBug~ - You are an OSM friend. Nobody's ever cared so much about me in a time of need. (over the internet of course!)
Chris - You are awesome and funny. I appreciate you banning that dude who was pervy. That banning skill is not evil. It's awesome.
BlueWolf13 - You have funny things on your profile and you are a very funny person to hang out with.
this sucks - NAR-NAR!!!! Dude you are funny and OSM like timz. (btw thx timz for the nickname! :D )
Famous Last words - you are a very nice girl. i love what you did with your profile! SOOOO KOOL!!!!!!!
yah more to come. hey impress me, maybe you'll get on here...
Ok so I saw someone in chat do this and... I thought to do this thing on my profile!
|-| e | Pput this on your profile if you can't copy and paste things like these |_ 0 |_ put this on your profile if you love to laugh _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | put this on your profile if you have ever pushed a door | O | that said "pull" | | |_ _ _ _ _ | The only way I can have these on my profile is because i make them underscore by hyphen by letter... Why does Nonoba insist on having to let the webpage have access to your clipboard anyway? THIS IS WHY NONOBA IS MEAN (sometimes) ------------------------------------------------------------ David Tennant Pictures!
HOW COULD I FORGET YOU DAVID TENNANT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! David Tennant smiling with that big ol' goober smile that we all know and love. WITH FLOPPY HAIR! (that's his thing!) He's the best doctor. Sorry Chris Eccelston. What else can you expect from being on the show for only 13 1/2 episodes? SPECIAL THANKS TO l3galkill3r FOR REMINDING ME TO PUT HIM UP! David Tennant. Sexy as ever.
The Doctor, Rose and The TARDIS. Don't David Tennant and Billie Piper make such a cute couple?
WOW!!! -takes huge breath- (left to right) Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith (not related), Jackie Tyler, Rose Tyler (are related), The Doctor, Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, and Donna Noble. -phew!-
I do kind of feel bad scrunching this picture up, but come on! I HAD TO! This picture was HUGE!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SCOTT MENVILLE!!!!! THE MAN WITH THE SEXIEST VOICE EVER!!!! He voices Robin on Teen Titans. I <3 him.
TARA STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY DIFFERENT VOICES COME FROM HER!!!!!!!! She is Raven in Teen Titans. But, she is also known for Timmy Turner on "The Fairly Odd Parents", Bubbles from "The Powerpuff Girls" Terrence from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" Ben Tenneson from "Ben 10", Omi from "Xiaolin Showdown" Dil Pickles from "Rugrats" and "All Grown Up" and more.
GREG CIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! He is the voice of Beast Boy
HYDEN WALCH!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! She is the voice of Starfire. She has also done Penny from "Chalkzone".
KHARY PAYTON!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the voice of Cyborg.
RON PERLMAN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the voice of Slade. He has a VERY sexy voice as Slade. In fact, he's right behind Scott Menville in my book.
Fav. Quotes: "Raven when I found out the truth i was very impressed. The power lurking inside you. The glorious destiny that awaits. It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?"
"We'll be in touch. Oh and Happy Birthday." -Slade, from "Birthmark"
Hmmmm... Scott Menville and Tara Strong... together... Could this be a hint to possible Robin-Raven relationship? O.O the fans will never know.... (jk but srsly...)
These are most of the voice actors for an episode Marv Wolfman wrote himself: "Deep Six"
We have (left to right) Marv Wolfman, Wil Wheaton, Greg Cipes Tara Strong, Scott Menville, Dave Coulier and Hyden Walch. (creator of teen Titans, [voice of] Aqualad, Beast Boy, Raven, Robin, Tramm, and Starfire.)
(Note that Khary Payton (Cyborg) is not in this shot. He was probably on a pee break. xD )
On that glorious note, I am done for today. Keep checking back for more things!
SURGERY! :O Yes it's true. I had to get eye surgery. I told a whole bunch of people and if I didn't tell you it's only because I didn't get in contact with you last night. Well it's over and I'm alive. the only thing is that my eyes feel like crap and I can't squint them. I can't look from side to side without turning my head first. Oh yeah. I was ready to go home, and guess what? i puked. Ew. Oh well. At least my eyes will be dead on straight now. So for the next few days I'm not in school! W00T! And I'm also in a "meh" mood! If you piss me off, hey screw you. I'm not in a b****y mood though. So don't expect me to be all mean to you. What I'm trying to say is that I may be a little slow in chat and I might not be able to play certain games. I'll let you know. I WANT A PICTURE! -_- I'm gonna get a picture for this.
Ok I'm sorry. this was too cute. Even through my bloodshot eyes I saw adorable when I needed to. So yeah. In a few days I'll be back to my super awesome lovable self. :P :D <3
11-13-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(no specific order)
Girls: Ellouise Naja Elle Luna Penelope Josephine Renee Zoe Myrtle Delia Ariel Rose
Boys: Ezekial <---- OSM name! Bobert (don't ask it's just hysterical) Devon Nicholas (nick maybe but nicholas sounds cuter! :D ) Curtis Joe (inside joke with my friend) Max (Maximillain or Maxwell - such cute names!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THINGS ABOUT ME YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW: ihni - i have no idea lofl - laugh out f*cking loud bew - boo meh - not good not bad. jw - just wondering OSm or OSM - awesome wtf - could mean what the fu*k, what the fudge, who the fu*k, who the fudge, where the fu*k, where the fudge, why the fu*k, or why the fudge. you just have to guess based on how i said it. DUED! - it is dued. dued is my version of dude. ihni wtf i put this up for. i guess i just did as a resource for ,y OSm slang. idk. i. d. k. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OMG EVERYTHING JUST WENT WRONG!!!!!!!!!! ok the following things just happened in 7 minutes flat. i was supposed to give juan123456789 a css code get blakeg14 to drawpad get every1 to norway dallas was being pervy so blakeg14 left gregzy left norway and he went to fridge magnets Justin12 kept asking me if i would be his friend TheCrusadingOrange wouldn't respond when i asked him to come to norway then i lost contact with gregzy juan's css cod didn't work i had to explain what to do every1 in norway was having a great time without me cuz im trying to round up every1 else i don't even get a thank you then wolf lover decides to leave cuz she gets bored then i lost it and made like 12 different variations of DX and she told me "fu carmelita" meanwhile new ppl come into norway every 3 seconds... so as i write this ppl in norway are having so much fun gregzy is lost in fridge magnets somewhere and wolf lover and juan123456789 are pissed at me cuz i blamed them (and every1 else in norway) for having a breakdown. but look above. can you blame me? ;_;
I'M FINALLY DONE WORKING!!! :D OK, so today I had a LOT of sh!t to do. I had to be at a concert to sing (look up; i love to sing!!!! :D ) AND i had to do all my homework crap. You'd think that one 1 of the 2 concert days (they split up the performers into some on Monday, some on Tuesday) that there wouldnt be too much homework. WELL WE ALL THOUGHT WRONG!!!!!! I had LOTSA science sh!t to do... but partially it was my fault because i don't like walking home with my shoulder killing me everyday so by doing my vocabulary and questions in advance i don't have to bring my science book home everyday. Not that it's too heavy, but every pound adds up XP. OK, then there's Social Studies. GAH! I had to finish gluing stuff in the pages for the book thats supposed to be for children xD LOLZ it was still fun though because i did what i did. no one can bother me cause guess what? its due tomorrow and we're handing it in! SO TOUGH CRAP! >XD no seriously I did a good job so no worries there. ummm... Reading. I had to write a long paragraph about the book im reading. "HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX" OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!! ( I saw the movie and played the game a lot XP :D ) Math. I had to subtract negative numbers. A LOT! But whatevs i dont care cuz im good at that. :p Lastly, English. Not much here but I had to see if I could get my documents from home. I honestly don't know because I forgot to and came on here. <_< >_> AND after the concert we went food shopping, I brought ALL the groceries in, and took the ones that go upstairs upstairs and put the stuff away. i got changed out of my uniform and I finished Reading and Social Studies. SO THAT'S WHY I WASN'T ON TODAY. I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I HAVEM'T WRITTEN ANYTHING ON HERE IN AWHILE, AND I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE WORRIED. xD Wait... these are summer colors... what? I'll fix that in the next post... ;D ----------------------------------------------------------- YAY!!!!! OMFG! GUESS WHAT!? I FIGURED OUT HOW TO SCREENSHOT THINGIES!!!! :D I'M GOING TO TRY TO PUT EVERY SCREENSHOT I THINK IMPORTANT ENOUGH ON HERE FOR YOU PEOPLE TO SEE. :D DOESN'T THAT GIVE YOU THE WARM FUZZIES? OH YES. IM SO NICE. XD P.S. WHO LIKES THE HOLIDAY THEME? :D WELL HAPPY HOLIDAYS PEOPLE!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :D ----pictures to come! :D---------geez have patience!--xD----
OMG I'M SO HAPPY!! PEOPLE GUESS WHAT!!!!!! Ok Michael Jackson kinda has a bad rep... cuz he's kinda... you know.. well before he got into THAT he was A TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME MUSICIAN!!!!! (please note the caps, color (pink and purple; the colors of awesome-ness!), boldness, and underlining!) Well anyway, on Monday, January 5th, I wanted to show my mom some Weird Al Yankovic vids. Our favorites were: "The Beer Song" (in lego LMAO), "White and Nerdy" and.... *drumroll pleeeese!* "I'm Fat". (parodies of ... Beethoven's *insert number + st, nd, rd, or th here* I'm not sure WHATEVER! (The Beer Song), "Ridin' Dirty" (White and Nerdy), AND "Bad" by MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!! :D (I'm Fat) WELL, he is an AWESOMELY AWESOME AWESOME dancer and my mom was telling me all the things he started. Before Monday, I heard "Thriller" and was like "Yeah, it's 'Thriller'.. by MJ" BUT, come Monday, I saw the music video thingymabob. HE'S AWESOME! So, I practiced feverishly after school each day, copying down what he did on paper (in words), and trying it. Kind of easy, seeing as it's only 2 minutes long; the first minute being entirely dancing. I pretty much mastered that on Tuesday or Wednesday. Here's the hard part: Singing AND dancing. Might sound easy. IT'S NOT. He does about 3 moves in 2 words! One whole minute of that can get you exhausted! Well today, I MASTERED THRILLER!!!!!! I am SO happy, that I will provide the link. Need I remind you that I cannot copy and paste, so I must type out the link letter by letter. (this thing better work!) So yeah. A WARNING (with spoilers because it is what the plot is about if you don't understand) (if you don't want to know the plot, just scroll down to the blue-n-green words for the warning) : "Thriller" begins with Micheal and a girl in a swamp (for no reason) (i think they ran outta gas or something) (that must suck to run outta gas in a swamp) and Micheal asks her to be his girlfriend. Then he tells her he is different and turns into a werewolf at the sight of a full moon. This was a movie in a movie theater and you don't see him attack her, but the audience sure acts like he did. Micheal is enjoying this and his friend (who is a girl but we don't know if they're boyfriend-girlfriend) (not the same girl from the movie) wants to leave. (he even says "No. I'm enjoyin' this!") She doesn't want to stay so she leaves. He knows she's scared and runs out after her. Then he sings all the verses of "Thriller" without the chorus... es (chorii, anyone?) (Chorus being: " 'Cause this is THRILLER! THRILLER NIGHT! ..." ) They walk past a graveyard and Vincent Price (spooky narrator of the 50's - 80's) narrates yucky stuff about why CORPSES ARE RISING OUT OF THEIR GRAVES TO GET MICHAEL AND HIS FRIEND. They all rise out and corner the 2... living... people... and MICHAEL TURNS INTO A ZOMBIE (calm down it's just make-up and he makes his eyes bulge LOL it's kinda cool) The shocking part that makes this thing not-so-scary is that; the monsters begin to dance with Michael! She runs into an abandoned house at the end of the song, and the zombies start breaking through the delapidated walls and floor. It seems as if Michael is about to kill her, and when he touches her, she awakens with a scream and he is in a normal-lit room and not a zombie with no zombies to be seen. He then offers to take her home, and turns at the camera with spiky teeth and yellow eyes. That's it. Credit time. It's 13 minutes long, but I think it's worth it. I expect you to be scared the frst time. I was. You get over it eventually. HERE'S THE LINK!!! :D (FAST FORWARD TO 8:25 IF YOU JUST WANT TO SEE THE DANCING; IT ENDS AT 10:35) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyJbIOZjS8
btw: look up! ^^ I've never used so many parentheses in my life LMAO |
The_Metal_Lolz said
Posted 5 weeks agoTerrific profile. :D