Welcome to my profile
Well Im a very depressed, little 15 year old! ;]
Mood: Pretty damn good thank you!<3 Message me if you want 2 :]
╔═╦══╦═╗ ╚═╩╩╩╩═╝ Put this on your page if you support or are emo...
Fuck u guys who hate me bc u dont even know me
Black Veil Brides ARE THE BEST i love them and i wanna meet them so BAD!
Devil Wears Prada
Broken Cycle STARS:D
Jessie and me
The tears i cry came from the hurt and pain you have caused me.... i try to dry my eyes, but it seems as if my tears never stop ....How do i fix my heart that is broken and how can i bring back the happiness that you took away...my emotions are fragile and weak, i have nothing to say to you but thank you for showing me the other side of life!!!!!
"Why would you wanna marry me for anyhow?" She said "So I can kiss you any time i want!!!!!" he says:D I love that so romantic<3 My Favorite line in the world<3
guyknight- an awsome guy i dont know what i would do with out him ;D <3 Down fr0m th3 sky- awsome guy, my twin xD hehe<3
~JENN_C~ an awsome friend :D Joeyoey99 - Sexybeast, Bff BlizkTheDecimater- a dude :D ~Kasey- Yummy~ awsome friend and funni as hell + crazy bitch. jessjess101- MY BFF in RL Girlchick5- Sweet friend roguealiscious- Great Guy A Poem By:Me!
The hums of Hell the light from the moon here's your death its goin to go quick Dont scream, Dont cry Your my pray Dont fight me Or............. Its to late now,I got you, and Im not letting Go....... (Evil Laugh:O
DON'T COMMENT UNLESS U have 2:D ........ Add me if u think im Cool .... But im not so....!!!!! |
~Caitlin~ said
Posted 2 weeks agoheyyyyyyyy ummmmmmmmm u can hate me idc, but u can call me agian bc i try 2 call u and either the phone is busy or u don't fucking answer.... so i still would like 2 talk 2 u but if u don't want 2 talk that is fine by me idc :P