
Jeff is a 18 year old guy. He has been a member for 5 months, and was last logged on 11 days ago.

Gamer Level: 2

Welcome to my profile

ok hey i will ONLY allow you to be my friend if we talk or i know you...... if ur just trying to get alot of friends then dont even try. But if we have talked then u can send me one and i will acept!!!! and yes i am gay.....



My BFF on Fl tron is brookie-cookie...... she is freakin awsome!!!!!

my 2nd best friend on here is babe103!!! dont mess with her! she is one of the best people on here!


~mylife~~mylife~ said

Posted 10 days ago

hey jeff havent seen or talked to u in a while hope to see u on

brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

i love u baby


rUn FaT bOy RuN- OorUn FaT bOy RuN- Oo said

Posted 2 weeks ago

i cant believe that ppl call u a fag. i mean alot of ppl r gay and theres nothin wrong with it. ppl can be soo mean about it.

katiekisserkatiekisser said

Posted 2 weeks ago

hey jeff :D

pontsnomnompontsnomnom said

Posted 2 weeks ago

i love your picture<3

kacey1234kacey1234 said

Posted 2 weeks ago

Hey. x]
how have you been?

brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

no babe im not gone for good :/ i left cuz u were mad

xJeffxxJeffx said

Posted 5 weeks ago

lol thanks, you are too!

katiekisserkatiekisser said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hey u r like so COOL :O

sickbod27sickbod27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

IS THAT 2 GUYS ??????? =O

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