Welcome to my profile
Im XgreenX! :D |
XgreenX is a guy living in A house On a Street. He has been a member for 9 months, and was last logged on 5 days ago.
Im XgreenX! :D |
;) enjoy
It's ok
HTML,BODY{cursor: url("http://downloads.totallyfreecursors.com/cursor_files/bananathumbsup.ani"), url("http://downloads.totallyfreecursors.com/thumbnails/bananathumbsup.gif"), auto;}
I sorry if I hurted your feelings :'(
on the bottom theres a bar that gives you 4 options - home - inbox - friends - settings -
choose friends -
one the right side theres gonna be a list or just one bar with a name and picture -
click the check bar and your friends with them.
Or you can just request someone to be your friend.
this game ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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messiahgold1 said
Posted 2 months agoyo nice profile add me plz?