
Viviana Andrea is a 109 year old girl living in Buenos Aires. She has been a member for more than a year, and was last logged on 2 days ago.
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Gamer Level: 2

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Beso gente que tengan un buen dia :)


vip_848vip_848 said

Posted a long time ago

A palabras necias, oidos sordos.

amimannerahhamimannerahh said

Posted a long time ago

chee te qeroh conocer asjka
besott eermoss..:)

[email protected]

bolovanbolovan said

Posted a long time ago

ola bueno juegitos ee
ay luego nos echamos otro bollar saludos

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Posted: December 18

vip_848 got the achievement Master

Win with 100% Accuracyfrom Multiplayer Pool

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Master Master

Win with 100% Accuracy from Multiplayer Pool

Expert Expert

Win with at least 75% Accuracy from Multiplayer Pool

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Win with at least 35% Accuracy from Multiplayer Pool

Beginner Beginner

Win with at least 25% Accuracy from Multiplayer Pool

vip_848 has 6 achievements. View all ยป
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