
tina11 is a girl. She has been a member for 7 months, and was last logged on 2 days ago.

Gamer Level: 2


tiana1420tiana1420 said

Posted 5 months ago

hey tina im tiana =) :P

itzel11itzel11 said

Posted 6 months ago

wats up tina its mi isabel

itzel11itzel11 said

Posted 6 months ago

wats up tina its mi isabel

kkriskkris said

Posted 7 months ago

hi tina11 cute pic

zoav11zoav11 said

Posted 7 months ago

Nice :-0

taly rodrigueztaly rodriguez said

Posted 7 months ago

wow tina cool picture

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Posted: December 28

tina11 got a score of 7 800 in the game Advansnake
AdvansnakeAdvansnakeA Advanced Mode from:

Posted: December 21

tina11 got a score of 4 200 in the game Advansnake
AdvansnakeAdvansnakeA Advanced Mode from:

Posted: December 20

tina11 and EnAnA123 are now friends.
tina11 got a score of 31 seconds in the game HAMNSTER
HAMNSTERHAMNSTERA Tutorial level time from:

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fancy pants 2fancy pants 2
itz freakin awesome!!!
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