Tim 248

Tim248 :/ is a 17 year old guy. He has been a member for 7 months, and was last logged on 2 hours ago.
Tim248 :/ has a website at http://Uberstrike.com

Gamer Level: 9

Welcome to my profile

  HI !! Well, what the fuck do you want with me? 

Get out and get a life. Titties.                                           

YouTube- Halo Theme- True 8 bit



ShockCaptain117ShockCaptain117 said

Posted yesterday

PEDOBEAR?! You're kidding me..

lil klil k said

Posted 2 weeks ago


All your base 1996All your base 1996 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1H6-EspDTg I present to you.....Weegees failed experement....GUIYII :O

All your base 1996All your base 1996 said

Posted 3 weeks ago


Ultimate SpiritGiverUltimate SpiritGiver said

Posted 5 weeks ago

H-hi w-w-w-eegee...... O_O

Comment by Maze. is hidden because it has a score of -2. Click here to show

Maze.Maze. said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hi im star warriors brother add me

Destiny RoseDestiny Rose said

Posted 5 weeks ago

Lmao.. cool profile!!!

lil klil k said

Posted 7 weeks ago


AntiJDSAntiJDS said

Posted 7 weeks ago


fernando987fernando987 said

Posted 2 months ago


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Posted: September 3

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Posted: August 20

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Posted: August 3

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Stick Arena: BallistickStick Arena: Ballistick
spartman 2spartman 2
friggen funny.
Multiplayer Asteroids 2Multiplayer Asteroids 2
ShellShock LiveShellShock Live
CUZ ITS OVER 9000!!!
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