
Shana n/a is a 19 year old girl living in Lilyville. She has been a member for 2 months, and was last logged on 11 days ago.
Shana n/a has a website at http://www.myspace.com/shanabug4ever

Gamer Level: 3

Welcome to my profile

I love my family friends and my life well sometimes just happy to be alive.


Live Laugh Love


squiggly5625squiggly5625 said

Posted 6 weeks ago


bonglordbonglord said

Posted 2 months ago

You can add me as a freind if you want...

suport_zuzino said

Posted 2 months ago

"only ppl that can get to 4k"
а ведь после твоего ухода
твои всё равно 3392 набрли -7&24

suport_zuzino said

Posted 2 months ago

хули за игру берёшься
если играть до конца не собираешься

suport_zuzino said

Posted 2 months ago

дура тупорылая

gezerixgezerix said

Posted 2 months ago


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Posted: November 23

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squiggly5625 got a score of 2 175 in the game Sun Florist
Sun FloristSun FloristA Normal Mode from:
squiggly5625 and Deaths Shadow are now friends.
squiggly5625 and suport_zuzino are now friends.
squiggly5625 and gezerix are now friends.

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