
slypin lassu is a 11 year old girl living in maldives. She has been a member for 5 months, and was last logged on 15 hours ago.

Gamer Level: 2

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    if u want me as a friend just send me afriend riquest


slypinslypin said

Posted 8 days ago

4 just a few days

slypinslypin said

Posted 8 days ago

im back =}

petal cometpetal comet said

Posted 3 months ago

hey gal!!!!!!!!! srry i dnt add ya

slypinslypin said

Posted 3 months ago


lillebitlillebit said

Posted 3 months ago

hey thanks for the friend request ;)

slypinslypin said

Posted 3 months ago


edwardfan6edwardfan6 said

Posted 3 months ago

hey funny pic u have lol

love cometlove comet said

Posted 3 months ago

lassu u ar not in the

love cometlove comet said

Posted 3 months ago


slypinslypin said

Posted 3 months ago

i was going to be ded

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Posted: October 1

slypin and Deaths Shadow are now friends.

Posted: September 26

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