nikki and jax

nikki and jackie is a 17 year old girl living in in ur back yard!. She has been a member for 12 days, and was last logged on 2 hours ago.

Gamer Level: 2

Welcome to my profile

hey im nikki and im the 1 in the middel im 17 and singeland im a dancer! im very fun i dance in the rain with my friends !!! 1 time we danced 4 like 1 hour and we all got sick!! i love coca-cola but my friend jax(she jst made a new account its jax and nikki)she is NOT allowed 2 have coca-cola! see this the - yes i put it its mine!!!!i stole it:) lmao here are sum pics of me and jax im the brunett/dirty blonde (she is the dumb 1) so hit me up with sum msg's YEA


l_01ff4b315f9b4323965a866153777d9d.jpg Megan (: picture by littleblondechickee were the bomb

l_faa975014f234c9696ee9d4f2cc2dc2d.jpg look a tree in ur back yard were i am :)




i love u......... not!!! lmao ♥_♥


Deaths ShadowDeaths Shadow said

Posted yesterday

damn i wish i had a backyard then i could see u everyday, life can be so unfair lol XD anyways would u like to be friends

nikki and jaxnikki and jax said

Posted 2 days ago

go f ur self lil' girl and im no hooker

NglRapStyleNglRapStyle said

Posted 2 days ago

me loser? he was using offensive languange to my friend so i protect my friends ugly hooker

andy82819andy82819 said

Posted 2 days ago


Lollipop4uLollipop4u said

Posted 5 days ago

y dont u change ur profile once in a while?

jks im only jking.........

Brendan888Brendan888 said

Posted 8 days ago

jax and nikki said
Posted 13 hours ago
Score is 0: updownspamreply
i'm not pissed off or anything i don take a lot of stuff seriously and thanks for requesting the song we need 6 more requests until thesong will be posted

Brendan888 (online) said
Posted 18 hours ago
Score is 0: deletereply
i want the chicken song! xD

look im sorry about before with me and joey we do that all the time dont take anything we said seriously we just joke around all the time and have a good time and i didnt mean to make u p1ssed off or anything im sorry

see shes not mad

Brendan888Brendan888 said

Posted 8 days ago

no i dont think i will stop =) lol im jk look its just a game i dont like being in drama like last time on nonoba ok so lets restart here (and i know im acting like a 2 year old xD but...) hey... my name is brendan i am 12 years old! xD that sounds gay =P haha ok lets just not be drama queens here Lmfao im here to have fun and not have drama understand?

nikki and jaxnikki and jax said

Posted 8 days ago

wtf hbu leave me alone ok

nikki and jaxnikki and jax said

Posted 8 days ago


Brendan888Brendan888 said

Posted 10 days ago

look i said sorry now u p1ssed me off so dont bitch on about it when i said i was sorry

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