Recent activity

Check out what neroxiii has been up to lately

Posted: December 29

neroxiii got the achievement Flawless Victory
Flawless VictoryFlawless Victory

Win with a perfect 4-0-0-0 score.from Fltron Multiplayer

Posted: December 28

neroxiii and Jinxi are now friends.
neroxiii and Shadow of the Stars are now friends.
neroxiii and naruto3364 are now friends.

Posted: December 22

neroxiii got a score of 3 081 in the game Starland Multiplayer TD
neroxiii got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time ZigZag} from:

Posted: December 20

neroxiii got a score of 3 646 in the game Starland Multiplayer TD
neroxiii got the achievement Good score
Good scoreGood score

End the game with a score of 3000 or higherfrom Starland Multiplayer TD

neroxiii got the achievement Fair score
Fair scoreFair score

End the game with a score of 1000 or higherfrom Starland Multiplayer TD

neroxiii got a score of 2 268 in the game Starland Multiplayer TD
neroxiii got the achievement Beat somebody!
Beat somebody!Beat somebody!

Beat somebody in a match in Starland Tower Defense!from Starland Multiplayer TD

neroxiii got a score of 20 in the game Starland Multiplayer TD

neroxiii doesn't
have a profile picture

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