
MutantGM is 20 years old. It has been a member for 2 months, and was last logged on 14 hours ago.

Gamer Level: 5


krzysztowkrzysztow said

Posted 4 weeks ago

siema :D

JoluniaMJJoluniaMJ said

Posted 2 months ago

:* hejkaaaa:D

vegas92vegas92 said

Posted 2 months ago


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Posted: January 2

MutantGM got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time ZigZag} from:

Posted: December 31

MutantGM got the achievement Flawless Victory
Flawless VictoryFlawless Victory

Win with a perfect 4-0-0-0 score.from Fltron Multiplayer

MutantGM got the achievement Caught the Disease! [Pongitus]
Caught the Disease! [Pongitus]Caught the Disease! [Pongitus]

Beat someone with Pongitus! (The Achievement!)from Super Multiplayer Pong

MutantGM and LYSY*FRYZJER are now friends.

Posted: December 30

MutantGM got the achievement Destroy the UFO
Destroy the UFODestroy the UFO

Destroy the UFOfrom Space Invaders Multiplayer

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Flawless Victory Flawless Victory

Win with a perfect 4-0-0-0 score. from Fltron Multiplayer

Caught the Disease! [Pongitus] Caught the Disease! [Pongitus]

Beat someone with Pongitus! (The Achievement!) from Super Multiplayer Pong

Destroy the UFO Destroy the UFO

Destroy the UFO from Space Invaders Multiplayer

Diepixed Diepixed

Complet game on hard mode from Diepix Arena

MutantGM has 90 achievements. View all ยป
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