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Check out what LittleBuddy has been up to lately

Posted: November 2

LittleBuddy and CantStandIt are now friends.

Posted: October 8

LittleBuddy and i luv slm are now friends.
LittleBuddy and DomoNation are now friends.
LittleBuddy and xXBeautiful DisasterXx are now friends.
LittleBuddy and pigen222 are now friends.

Posted: October 6

LittleBuddy and ny gril 123 are now friends.
LittleBuddy and bad girl 38 are now friends.
LittleBuddy and SayPretty are now friends.
LittleBuddy and *~Vampire-Jackie~* are now friends.
LittleBuddy and bad girl 38 are now friends.
LittleBuddy and Tiffany3 are now friends.

Posted: September 23

LittleBuddy and dasiyqueen are now friends.
LittleBuddy and ZackWillEatU are now friends.

Posted: September 14

LittleBuddy and darroyo772 are now friends.

Posted: September 11

LittleBuddy and *SAMMY15* are now friends.
LittleBuddy and Dudaaah are now friends.
LittleBuddy and toazty are now friends.
LittleBuddy and Emogurl101 are now friends.
LittleBuddy and *~Jackie~* are now friends.

Posted: September 9

LittleBuddy and Emmasocute21 are now friends.
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