
KaramasABitch is a girl. She has been a member for 7 weeks, and was last logged on 23 minutes ago.

Gamer Level: 1

Welcome to my profile

I fucking LOVE YOU<3


 I Love this kid, and he is mine and youll never ever get him<3. Im never leaving him, and i hope he never leaves me:), i wouldnt know what to do without you baby.. you mean the world to me, and im glad im engaged to you, i wouldnt wanna have it any other way. <3 I dont need paper to tell me im married to you or a ring, All i want is you to be mine forever. Fuck what people say about us cause all that matters is me and you and thats all i could ask for. And its all i wanna ask for is just for you to be mine<3 Forever. and ever.:). We've been through alot the past 8 months. and Im going to make more memories either bad or good, because we will get through it, We always do. <3 and im glad you stuck around, because no one has really done that for me, and i thank you for that<3 i love how you listen to me talk about everything, I say i talk to much but you love it and i dont understandxD why you love it when i talk to much, i think i get annoying, But yeah:)haha, I still cant forget the first time we talkedxD we we're talking about dicks, and oompa lumpas, It was the best conversation, when i first met you. and ive had a crush on you ever since i met you, and now im in love with you, and i hope this feeling never stops, i wanna be in love with you for the longest time and i probably will cause you make me the happiest guy alive. The best thing about you is well everything<3. I love every little thing about you, the things you say and do, just everything makes me love you more, Everyday we talk my love for you grows stronger. And i never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever wanna loose you baby, :).I could write for hours about you babe. Because there is so much about you, my whole profile is going to be about you, because Your part of me, your all of me, You have my heart. and no one else is getting it but you. Im not sharing my love with someone else, only you... I wouldnt ask for anything better<3. And i hope i have all of your love, and your not sharing it<3. It makes me jealous when someone talks to yo and flirts with you it makes me feel that you'll fall for them, and leave me for them. But i know, that your true to me... because the things you say, always seem to mean something to me.  Because the words you say, are sweet, and cute, :). and just everything about you makes me have butterflys.-.. Everyone says we're a cute couple i just blush and say i know, :). I guess ill stop writting<3 But i love you Chris. and, ive always loved you, and ill never stop loving you.<3


whatever..whatever.. said

Posted 8 days ago

im going to spam your smexy ass :/

whatever..whatever.. said

Posted 8 days ago


whatever..whatever.. said

Posted 9 days ago

YEAHHHH, I AGREE. Ill get one when i get my next pay check..hopefully..but YES!!! And..i LOVE our little...ehm.. 'Talks' cough cough Anyways. I LOVE YOU. Baii.

mz.angieemz.angiee said

Posted 10 days ago

awww urr soo cutte:)

whatever..whatever.. said

Posted 2 weeks ago


brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

I miss you bubby!

xXx.A.Day.To.Remember.xXxxXx.A.Day.To.Remember.xXx said

Posted 2 weeks ago

I miss you to♥

brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

I love you bubby<3

brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah!(: I has the best big brother EVER(:

brookie-cookiebrookie-cookie said

Posted 2 weeks ago

I love you:)

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