
João Monteiro is a 15 year old guy living in Portugal. He has been a member for 9 months, and was last logged on 7 hours ago.

Gamer Level: 3

Welcome to my profile

Favorite people (random order) : 

- stupidd ( <:3)~ )

- Gallion (even tho sometimes i dont get what he says)

- AngryTortoise (naughty turtle) 

- jewboy7 (such a jew)

- JustCurly (dirteh curleh)

- SvictorS (latinooo)

- blue.eyed.girl (hawwt)

- ricky1101 (cuban lagger)

- SDA - (he luvs teh jack daniels)

- gertrude (R.I.P.)

- obesebumfluff 


AngryTortoiseAngryTortoise said

Posted 5 days ago

Yes Joao, I am quite a naughty turtle ;)

the end of ur lifethe end of ur life said

Posted 10 days ago

a banana is humping the air omg

the end of ur lifethe end of ur life said

Posted 10 days ago

want to be friends

the end of ur lifethe end of ur life said

Posted 10 days ago

what about me

ru the bestru the best said

Posted 2 months ago

LOL i like ur background!

add me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xx_monkey_manxXXx_monkey_manxX said

Posted 2 months ago

hi loser


Posted 3 months ago

DUDE thats a cool backround

joaomonteiro10joaomonteiro10 said

Posted 3 months ago

thanks xD

assassinfreekassassinfreek said

Posted 3 months ago

ur profile is super


Posted 3 months ago

how u make ur back grond like tht

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