God Nieton

It has been a member for 4 weeks, and was last logged on 3 days ago.

Gamer Level: 2

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Hello! i am Nieton, i lost my account pass so i named it God Nieton, my runescape account, and please, why do people post "you suck" all over my account?


Ghost98745Ghost98745 said

Posted 3 days ago

hi, im alyssa. i died last year in may. i was in a car accident and i bled to death. let me just warn you now, this boy named Benjamin thought i was very pretty, and read this message. Benjamin didnt foward this message so i watched him sleep in the night and the next day, i cut his head off. This girl named Jessica read this but only sent it to 10 people, so i watched her sleep in the night and chopped her fingers off and made her eat them like sausages. This other girl, Brooke sent this to all 15 people and so i watched her in the night also and kissed her on the cheek every night and protected her during the day to make sure nothing ever happens to her.

Insane WayneInsane Wayne said

Posted 4 days ago

runescape another gay nerd i shall repeat what every one had said:

runescape is gay :3

ChrissyKinz said
Posted 13 days ago
Score is 0: updownspamreply
You queef you whore.You also suck <3 <3

ChrissyKinz said
Posted 13 days ago
Score is 0: updownspamreply
mario looks gay D:

link__ said
Posted 2 weeks ago
Score is 1: updownspamreply

Midnight The Hedgehog.8D said
Posted 2 weeks ago
Score is 0: updownspamreply

Emin3m-fan said
Posted 2 weeks ago
Score is -1: updownspamreply
u suck lol

evil said
Posted 3 weeks ago
Score is -1: updownspamreply
u suck lol

Texture said
Posted 3 weeks ago
Score is -1: updownspamreply
u suck lol

hanah said
Posted 3 weeks ago
Score is -1: updownspamreply
u suck lol

Kailly said
Posted 3 weeks ago
Score is -1: updownspamreply
u suck lol

oh and merry christmas

ChrissyKinzChrissyKinz said

Posted 2 weeks ago

runescape is gay :3

ChrissyKinzChrissyKinz said

Posted 2 weeks ago

You queef you whore.You also suck <3 <3

ChrissyKinzChrissyKinz said

Posted 2 weeks ago

mario looks gay D:

link__link__ said

Posted 2 weeks ago


Midnight The Hedgehog.8DMidnight The Hedgehog.8D said

Posted 2 weeks ago


Emin3m-fanEmin3m-fan said

Posted 2 weeks ago

u suck lol

evilevil said

Posted 3 weeks ago

u suck lol

TextureTexture said

Posted 3 weeks ago

u suck lol

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Posted: December 20

God Nieton
God Nieton got a score of 4 in the game Defenders of Anphiex
God Nieton got the achievement Recruit

Survive the first levelfrom Defenders of Anphiex

God Nieton got a score of 2 in the game Defenders of Anphiex

Posted: December 19

God Nieton
God Nieton started a forum thread Magic Orb Trubble.

how do you delete me light ...

God Nieton got the achievement Third Boss
Third BossThird Boss

Kill the third boss in level 12from Zombies!

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Recruit Recruit

Survive the first level from Defenders of Anphiex

Third Boss Third Boss

Kill the third boss in level 12 from Zombies!

Second Boss Second Boss

Kill the second boss in level 8 from Zombies!

100 kills 100 kills

kill 100 enemies from Starmageddon

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zombie apocalipsezombie apocalipse
well, multiplayer?
Mutate The LabratMutate The Labrat
just because... i guess the rpg fighting? and all the things you can do
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