Whats Ur Favorite Movie?

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EmoPunkGirl34EmoPunkGirl34 said

6 months ago | Post #1
ok this is from my boredness so i want 2 make it fun so ever1 can comment ok here it goes wats ur favorite movie?? mines is Transformers 2: rise of the fallen. :)

HomeHome said

6 months ago | Post #2
The Matrix.

da real meda real me said

6 months ago | Post #3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE05YWeJJQg da house bunny

insanity21insanity21 (online) said

6 months ago | Post #4
TRANSFORMERS 2 rise of the fallen :P

purple roxpurple rox said

6 months ago | Post #5
anything w johnny depp in it

IWasForcedOnThisIWasForcedOnThis said

6 months ago | Post #6
porn wit pg!!!!
jk jk jk

ummm idk i have a lot
lord of the rings all of them
pirates of the carribean
some harry potter movies
batman both of them
and a lot more

pretty much i like every thing i watch :O

except my sisters keeper yuck*!!

kindle89kindle89 said

6 months ago | Post #7
ummmm pretty much any thing with zombies and lots or gore mabey a little comdy here and there but mostly gore

Recon XRecon X said

6 months ago | Post #8
Mystery.Sometimes I like movies like Beowulf.
Post #9 by Toby has a score of -3. show

TobyToby said

6 months ago | Post #9
Shouldn't this be in OT?
My favourite is probably [REC], the spanish cut, not the american remake (Quarantine) which was awful. :)
Post #10 by AmiAthena has a score of -6. show

AmiAthenaAmiAthena said

6 months ago | Post #10
This goes in the Off-Topic Forum, as it has nothing to do with the website.

Recon XRecon X said

6 months ago | Post #11 | in reply to #10
Well can't you transfer it?It seems you are a moderator.I know normal nonobians cant close a thread.

~*Bella Swan Cullen*~~*Bella Swan Cullen*~ said

6 months ago | Post #12
Twilight!!! :D


6 months ago | Post #13
Mines is Transformers 2: Rise of the fallen

xZoey.Goes.Rawr.xxZoey.Goes.Rawr.x said

6 months ago | Post #14
mines is Drag me to hell or my bloody valentine 3-D

emo kid210emo kid210 said

6 months ago | Post #15
mine is ice age dawn of the dinosaurs hehe

Su-yeonSu-yeon (online) said

6 months ago | Post #16
Donnie Darko-

EmoPunkGirl34EmoPunkGirl34 said

6 months ago | Post #17
nice answers every1 :)
Post #18 deleted

EmoPunkGirl34EmoPunkGirl34 said

6 months ago | Post #19

WiiGaMeRWiiGaMeR said

6 months ago | Post #20
mine is .....darn i hav alot......Both of transformers ,Harry Potter 1s ,Timburtions movies (some)
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