Screenies or Screen Print if you will

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metalxupxyourxassmetalxupxyourxass said

4 weeks ago | Post #1
I am a screenie monster as i tend to usually screen print alot of funny stuff, inappropriate stuff[cuz they are lulz worthy] and just weird stuff. Either way im sure the rest of you do the same :D Since i was bored and ran into a very weird screenie i decided to make this thread [double checked it was duplicate of course]

I would like you all to show Your fav. screenie ever taken :3

if you dont know what screen print is for...
"The sole function of this key is to take a snapshot or picture of your computer screen and copy it to the clipboard (the clipboard is an invisible holding area for content that is copied)."
Then pasting it to paint and uploading it to a photo sharing site like photobucket or imageshack.

Anywho i'll start

This was a fun day cuz i was a Mind reader ;D

(what can i say i have alot of alts :L)
Last edited 4 weeks ago

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #2
OMG, I have relatable screenie content.

One day in chat, I asked ALLYY to guess what I was doing my speech on and she totally guessed right!

Mind reader, pt. 2

>>Also, I should say, All conversations with KC are FTW, no matter the topic.

>>And, I have a library of awesome screenies. I'll be posting them one at a time to create suspense and all that lovely crap. ;D
Last edited 4 weeks ago
Post #3 deleted

DaRcIe.DaRcIe. said

4 weeks ago | Post #4

That and....


jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #5 | in reply to #4
OMG, old Nonoba chat FTW

<3 Lone and her cerial
Last edited 4 weeks ago

MetaloidMetaloid said

4 weeks ago | Post #6
:L i cant wait to see the screenies. i click them and it wont let me go see them >.>

AwKAwK said

4 weeks ago | Post #7
I'll have to dig that one up of puretaine saying he can't get it up.

MetaloidMetaloid said

4 weeks ago | Post #8 | in reply to #7
XD you mean this one

also epic screenies x3
Last edited 4 weeks ago

FluffFluff said

4 weeks ago | Post #9
Canada is an easy target.

AllyyAllyy said

4 weeks ago | Post #10
/is majicks

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #11
Tapix's mouth

TobyToby said

4 weeks ago | Post #12
Might be able to dig up a few... =D




Lyra's Life Fail

More for Lyra


poor Erin

Bible Fire
Jason Burn

tapixtapix said

4 weeks ago | Post #13
fa jj jr.'s hole :o
Comma fail :P
Toby :o
:D :O

FluffFluff said

4 weeks ago | Post #14 | in reply to #12
> More for Lyra

Hmm, that's odd. I've got this one.
Last edited 4 weeks ago

EmzEmz said

4 weeks ago | Post #15
I have a couple for Toby.

Toby D:
Good Gravy!

and oh, what's this?

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #16

MetaloidMetaloid said

4 weeks ago | Post #17
LMAO XD Epic screenies !

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #18
Gmill intro



More for later.
Last edited 4 weeks ago

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

4 weeks ago | Post #19
XD the 3rd one is very funny! XD

if i knew how to make screenies i would try and EPICLY FAIL! :D

>.> <.<


jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

4 weeks ago | Post #20 | in reply to #19
Making Screenies are simple.

On your keyboard you should have a button that says "Prnt Scrn"

Whenever pressing that button your computer takes a snapshot of your computer screen at that moment and puts it to your clipboard. So, that means go open up some simple image editor like Microsoft Paint and go to Edit>Paste

The screenshot should appear and then you can clip it down to the size you want.
Last edited 4 weeks ago
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