people dating online

missymelon27missymelon27 said

5 weeks ago | Post #1
i really think its kind of dumb like i dont know its annoying i know this guy and all the girls he knows he will ask out and i dont know if people should do it i mean there is no rule or anything you CAN do it if you want but i think its kind of stupid please tell me what you think
Post #2 by Vancouver 2010 has a score of -4. show

Vancouver 2010Vancouver 2010 said

5 weeks ago | Post #2
Every1 have the right to do whatever they want to :D even if it feels dumb (:!


Post #3 by Opey843 has a score of -2. show

Opey843 said

5 weeks ago | Post #3
Ehh people can do whatever they want. I dont really care.

But I do think its REALLY dumb.

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

5 weeks ago | Post #4
People are not suppose to date online here on Nonoba, due to Nonoba is a gaming site, not a dating site. There are online dating sites, but, honestly, Online Dating is kind of stupid. You will never know who you will meet on the other side >.<

Unless you're desprate for a relationship
Last edited 5 weeks ago

Opey843 said

5 weeks ago | Post #5
Agreed ^

Su-yeonSu-yeon said

5 weeks ago | Post #6 | in reply to #2
They can do whatever they want, but not in Nonoba, lol
Post #7 deleted

missymelon27missymelon27 said

5 weeks ago | Post #8
haha i agree with all of you guys!

EricNEH2EricNEH2 said

5 weeks ago | Post #9
ya it is kind of dumb

bunnyboilerbunnyboiler said

5 weeks ago | Post #10
How do you explain having an "e-girlfriend" to your family?

Seriously, I think it would be kind of awkward.

Axel the HedgehogAxel the Hedgehog said

5 weeks ago | Post #11
Even though I think it is quite dumb I have dated on here before. (Wanted to see what e-dating was like)
And even though I think its dumb I don't object to people dating on here as long as its not a disruption to the chat. (I doubt that people want to enter a chat and come upon the scene of two strangers acting all lovey-dovey ruining the chatroom) =)

bunnyboilerbunnyboiler said

3 weeks ago | Post #12

missymelon27missymelon27 said

3 weeks ago | Post #13
yeah! i haven't e-dated but i mean do what you want but im just sayin its awkward

Vancouver 2010Vancouver 2010 said

3 weeks ago | Post #14
who cares if people want to daiting online !
People got the right to whatever they want to....

live with it ! There is noting you can do!

And to thoose who is daiting online, get a realle girl/boy friend will ya :D!?

missymelon27missymelon27 said

3 weeks ago | Post #15
yes i guess that is true ..... haha!
Post #16 deleted

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