I think the person below me...

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5 months ago | Post #1001
nope ... not yet!!!

im guessing the person below me has the name of peter

HI1HI1 said

5 months ago | Post #1002
Nope. >.>

I'm guessing the person below me will be a mod and will close this thread for having over 1000 posts, just like the 'Underaged Nonobians Must Leave' thread.

TifennieTifennie said

5 months ago | Post #1003
Nope. I'm not a moderator.

I think the person below me will be a crazy person who got drunk last night :/

foolish cucumberfoolish cucumber said

5 months ago | Post #1004
ha almost just hyper :)

i think the person below me is in love with somone
Post #1005 deleted

Padfoot1Padfoot1 said

5 months ago | Post #1006

the person below me is using IE right now

54321namJ54321namJ said

5 months ago | Post #1007 | in reply to #1001

No, im using Firefox
Im guessing the person below me hates TIFENNIE!
Post #1008 by 54321namJ has a score of -2. show

54321namJ54321namJ said

5 months ago | Post #1008

TifennieTifennie said

5 months ago | Post #1009
Wrong, I love Tifennie, I hear shes awesome. :)

I think the person below me... has a cat named pepper.(cuz i know i doo. lolz)

Padfoot1Padfoot1 said

5 months ago | Post #1010

I think the person below me doesn't have a mac.

cakeisgoooodcakeisgooood said

5 months ago | Post #1011
oh, and that would be wrong. a Macbook, is what i have :)

i think the person below me will be the last person to comment before this thread gets locked

TifennieTifennie said

5 months ago | Post #1012
Well, I dont know about that, but lets hope it doesnt get locked! :D!

I think the person below me is in love with the person above me.

54321namJ54321namJ said

5 months ago | Post #1013

Im guessing the person below me is ma friend

HI1HI1 said

5 months ago | Post #1014

I'm guessing the person below me has to wait a couple of minutes to have this thread load.
Post #1015 by Teh_1337man has a score of -3. show

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

5 months ago | Post #1015 | in reply to #1003
No, why?

Tiffenie, you've posted before that post, so the answer should;ve be yes. You might've not understood my question/guess.

Next person has++n't++ crapped on others.

MJH216MJH216 said

5 months ago | Post #1016
I havent done it, No

I am guessing the person below saw Transformers 2 and liked it

hockeyluver105 said

5 months ago | Post #1017
i didn't like it....I LOVED IT!!

Im, guessing the person below me has a summer b-day.

Padfoot1Padfoot1 said

5 months ago | Post #1018
No, I have a winter b-day

the person below me has a A apple product(like the Iphone)

TifennieTifennie said

5 months ago | Post #1019
oh darn, i have teh LG lolz

I think the person below me has athsma.


5 months ago | Post #1020
no tif i dont

im guessignthe person below me has the name of peter
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