Another thing:
This discussion is flawed, all you do is state your opinion, but you never give a reason. Okay, halo wars ''SUXXXXX'' but why? Hell, not even the original poster gave any reason to why he thinks halo is better. What's the point?
Halo wars SUXXXXX because first of all i personaly dont think that games where yo control armies (i cant remember the name right now) such as Age of empire halo wars etc. are just not meant for X360
and also halo wars just doesnt live up to the standard of the other halos
I don't think RTS's (that's what they're called) should stay off consoles, but i DO think halo wars was poorly executed. The PC port will probably sell a lot better.
i play halo 1 i finsich halo 1 and halo 2 i dont have halo 3 and halo wars every halo game is awesome thats all i got to say i will leave a reply tommrow
The reason no one likes Halo Wars is because everyone is afraid of change. Most people only play First Person Shooters and to them anything that isn't an FPS sucks.
heres a athor thing that is geart about halo i love the last part in halo2 the boss kills you with one hit i dont like that part that pert is boring soo halo rocks all halo rocks and halo wars rocks and halo 2 rocks and halo1 rocks and halo 3 is the my favorite every halo game rocks