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RobbitRobbit said

a long time ago | Post #21
I draw a lot of rabbit like animals (kinda Évolved' ones), and called them Robbits (as in Robin+Rabbit = Robbit) then, i made it my username ^^
Post #22 deleted

KiGKiG said

a long time ago | Post #23
King in Games!!!

Vince10293 said

a long time ago | Post #24 | in reply to #23
i thought u just hated KoG, so u made KiG lol

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #25 | in reply to #15
Um. Spanish is my mother tongue, but I don't recognize "etmer". Maybe it's in another language..?

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #26 | in reply to #20
So cool XD Did you ever meet Super_403? Did he finally get authorized? XD

(403 is the error code for "unauthorized", e. g. bad username or password)

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #27
Derived from my nickname at high school. Also an alter-ego for my online life.

lolpanlolpan said

a long time ago | Post #28
a pan is funny.

ddrmaster56ddrmaster56 said

a long time ago | Post #29
i am the master of DDR lol

samuelmsamuelm said

a long time ago | Post #30
My name+first letter in my last name

rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #31
Riz is my name. Zey is my nickname. 09 is my day of birth.

So riz+zey+09=rizzey09

I use this in various accounts.

KiGKiG said

a long time ago | Post #32 | in reply to #24
well yeah lol

Zoned in2pieZoned in2pie said

a long time ago | Post #33
i like pie kinda sorta

CharlotteCharlotte said

a long time ago | Post #34
My name is Charlotte because I like Charlotte in Charlottes Web.

So the name after the spider ==== CHARLOTTE

CharlotteCharlotte said

a long time ago | Post #35
(Most of maybe don't know it)

Vince10293 said

a long time ago | Post #36
-Vince. [me.]
-10293. [makes a funny pattern when you type it.]

Volcano InteractiveVolcano Interactive said

a long time ago | Post #37
My "imaginary" company is named Volcano Interactive.
Post #38 deleted
Post #39 by Chris has a score of -2. show

ChrisChris said

a long time ago | Post #39
Do I have to explain my name?
Post #40 deleted
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