Cookies? You bake? Lemme see them.

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jsheppardjsheppard said

2 weeks ago | Post #1
So, during these holidays you usually find lots of people baking all yummy wonders, at least around my parts. I enjoy baking as well, and in a few days I'll be making some cookies, nom nom. Not right now though, BUT in awaiting this, how about everyone talk about their favorite cookies and such? And, if you happened to bake some, share your pics! :D

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

2 weeks ago | Post #2
Chocolate chip cookies. ;O

jsheppard, make me some chocolate chips cookies. :D

MetaloidMetaloid said

2 weeks ago | Post #3
:3 ? same ?

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

2 weeks ago | Post #4 | in reply to #3
No, I asked for some chocolate chips. :D

Those are Nonoba cakes, these are cookies. :3

MetaloidMetaloid said

2 weeks ago | Post #5

jsheppardjsheppard said

2 weeks ago | Post #6
I was hoping this thread was more about holiday baking, not themed on Nonoba.

For instance, this is what I baked today

Nom nom nom

Also, I'm not baking boring chocolate chip cookies for the holidays. Now is the time for crazy cookies!

TobyToby said

2 weeks ago | Post #7
Holy crap Jason, you bake like a pro. That chocolate looks a bit thick though, and I've heard some awful things about American chocolate so I guess I should ask, WERE THEY GOOD? and DID YOU EAT EM ALL BY YOURSELF? D:

jsheppardjsheppard said

2 weeks ago | Post #8
Eh, baking cookies is pretty easy for the most part. Just read and follow instructions and bingo, you got nom nom noms on a cookie sheet.

These particular cookies are called Peanut Butter Blossoms. It's basically a peanut butter cookie with a Hershey Kiss plopped in the center. Overall it's a pretty decent cookie, and it's not too much work.

As for chocolate, I enjoy all kinds. Some folks don't like American chocolate, meh, if they grew up with chocolate tasting one way, I can totally understand. But, I'm not picky. If you gave me chocolate, I'd eat it.

No, I did not eat all those cookies, silly Toby. Actually, I haven't eaten any. Most of these cookies I'll probably be giving away to friends and family.
Last edited 2 weeks ago

LyraMoonLyraMoon said

2 weeks ago | Post #9
Fail Jason, that recipe is at the bottom of every Hershey Kisses bag.
I once made a bacon cookie.
Looked hilariously awesome tasted like D:

jsheppardjsheppard said

2 weeks ago | Post #10 | in reply to #9
I didn't use the recipe I linked Lyra. I just did it as reference for those who didn't know what a Peanut Butter Blossom was.

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

2 weeks ago | Post #11 | in reply to #6
Those look like chocolate chips cookies, but with a huge chip. :O

Also, looks delicious.

LyraMoonLyraMoon said

12 days ago | Post #12
I've had them before. Too overwhelming.
Like, jsheppard made them amazingly. I just don't like the way they taste.
Snickerdoodles are TEH BEST.

jsheppardjsheppard said

12 days ago | Post #13 | in reply to #12
Boo, Snickerdoodles are boring cookies as well.

Also, I'm baking more cookies and goodies at the moment. Just made a batch of Peppermint Bark and I just put some dough for Thumbprint cookies in the fridge to cool. I'll have pics later.

jsheppardjsheppard said

10 days ago | Post #14
Okay, pics now (excuse the extreme size, forgot to select correct scale when taking pics)

Jam Thumbprint cookies
-A basic cookie rolled in pecans and jam inserted where a thumbprint is placed

Peppermint Bark
-A layer of chocolate, white chocolate, and peppermint candy

MetaloidMetaloid said

10 days ago | Post #15
OM NOM NOM! :3 now i wanna bake something ;3

Cyclone103Cyclone103 said

9 days ago | Post #16
Jason, we always make peanut butter blossoms as well. :D

jsheppardjsheppard said

9 days ago | Post #17 | in reply to #16
Aren't they nomalicious? I think they are.

DaRcIe.DaRcIe. said

9 days ago | Post #18
Dear Jshep;

I would like some peppermint bark sent to me asap.







EmzEmz said

9 days ago | Post #19
Those peppermint bark things look good Jason! :D
Also I've never heard of any of these cookies, is baking/inventing cookies some kind of American past time? I don't recall us Brits doing much baking. <3

jsheppardjsheppard said

9 days ago | Post #20
Darcie I'd love to send you some peppermint bark but they'd probably get melted or crushed when shipped. :(

Emz, I don't know what the traditional American traditions are during Christmas, but usually I like to bake a whole different varities of cookies for Christmas. I'll write up a list of the usual cookies we have for Christmas.
Last edited 9 days ago
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