Teh Adverts

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CirnooCirnoo said

7 weeks ago | Post #61 | in reply to #60

darcie_26darcie_26 (online) said

7 weeks ago | Post #62 | in reply to #61
Someone is missing the vote UP button for Cirnoo's comments.
Post #63 by yuto987 has a score of -2. show

yuto987yuto987 said

7 weeks ago | Post #63

jkjk said

7 weeks ago | Post #64
:D Ravanmac it worked, no more side ads

RavenMacRavenMac said

7 weeks ago | Post #65
: D

Who you talking to? ಠ_ಠ
Last edited 7 weeks ago

yuto987yuto987 said

3 weeks ago | Post #66
Well their back <_>

gemmygemgemmygem said

3 weeks ago | Post #67
I agree!!!!

RavenMacRavenMac said

3 weeks ago | Post #68
the one at the front page?
Just hit the block tab at the top right.
It opens a window to block it.

And at least this add isn't a video.
The other one got annoying, this one is ok.

jsheppardjsheppard said

3 weeks ago | Post #69 | in reply to #66

And agreed on the fact that the one on the front page is less annoying.
Post #70 by Marcos2222 has a score of -2. show

Marcos2222Marcos2222 said

2 weeks ago | Post #70
Guys,*I found an solution.*
Just get Mozilla Firefox and the plugin for it called :
Ad Block
or Ad Block Plus
I have the plus one.And when you see an ad,hover your mouse over it.It will show "Block".Click it.And then an thing will pop up.Set as the settings you want,(I recommend not changing the settings)and click the "Add Filter" button.And TA-DA!The ad has been removed!

EDIT 1:Forgot to put the Click it after "block" ionstruction.
EDIT 2:Forgot to put to press the button "add filter".
EDIT 3:Mozzila = Mozilla
Last edited 2 weeks ago
Post #71 by jonny77 has a score of -2. show

jonny77jonny77 (online) said

2 weeks ago | Post #71
hey guys i started a feedback about this thing a few days ago. Go here http://nonoba.com/feedback/comments/2668 and please rate up. it is already the 5th highest rated feedback ever but needs to get higher so chris will take it into recognition.
Post #72 by Santo Lee has a score of -3. show

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

2 weeks ago | Post #72

RavenMacRavenMac said

2 weeks ago | Post #73 | in reply to #70
I have already found solutions for the most used internet browsers, including Firefox (mostly because that is all i use.)
Look at earlier posts to see if there has already been a solution for such a problem.

They will most likely not remove the adds because of the costs of hosting the site.
Letting people place their adds for a fee will help pay for the hosting costs.

yuto987yuto987 said

2 weeks ago | Post #74

Marcos2222Marcos2222 said

13 days ago | Post #75 | in reply to #73
Yeah i only use firefox.Only use EE when games dont wark in firefox

RavenMacRavenMac said

12 days ago | Post #76
1. EE? IE
2. wark? work
3. What game doesn't work in firefox that works in IE? ( i'd like to know. plz =D )

Haze..Haze.. (online) said

10 days ago | Post #77
I like the adverts ALOT I LOVE EM!

bunnyboilerbunnyboiler said

6 days ago | Post #78
I use Firefox. I don't see any of these ads you people are talking about. Does ABP get ird of them automatically?
Post #79 deleted

RavenMacRavenMac said

4 days ago | Post #80 | in reply to #78
Most of the time
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