Teh Adverts

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jordie1995jordie1995 said

2 months ago | Post #1
New ads at the sides of the page...

What's with that?

Are you always clicking on them by accident, sick of them obscuring your screen, or could you not care less?

Seeing as this thread has become more popular now, why not discuss the adverts on Nonoba in general?

Are there too many?
Do they get in the way?
What adverts do you think Nonoba should have?

Discuss ಠ_ಠ
Last edited 2 weeks ago

tapixtapix said

2 months ago | Post #2

It's too much IMHO

It's also hiding the scrollbar & the ads also appear on doctor puzzle o: (ohwait... I wasn't logged in, logging in with a memberaccount hides them :3) & useravatars from my page on comments

I would be willing to donate my Nonoba coins to hide ads/remove them from my page O:
Last edited 7 weeks ago
Post #3 by this name sucks has a score of -2. show

this name sucksthis name sucks said

2 months ago | Post #3
Right now, only three Advertisments are for Nonoba, and not the games. They are Wizard 101, the classic Sucks a** game that succeded due to advertising, Roblox, which isn't that bad, but their advertisments on this site make the page look smaller, andthe west, which is the same as Roblox. Can't really blame Chris for it, it's a cheap and easy way to make money, but I hope it doesn't grow out of hand like on Addicting Games and start to really affect the site.
Last edited 2 months ago

EmzEmz said

2 months ago | Post #4
People shouldn't be discussing this until they know the truth about Nonoba's financial situation, IMO. That's all I'm going to say.
Post #5 by this name sucks has a score of -2. show

this name sucksthis name sucks said

2 months ago | Post #5
Emz, I have to say your right, but I do know a few facts about Chris's income. (P.S. I'm not a stalker) Just visit his site, give you a link but I'm too lazy :)

SagooSagoo said

2 months ago | Post #6
Yeah, I know what you all mean. This is just a screenie of my screen and how wide my computer is to how large this ads are for me. Makes me feel like I am blind! D:

jordie1995jordie1995 said

2 months ago | Post #7
Personally I have no problem with them on most pages of the site, but they can be a bit unsightly, and they've been very cunning by only making the ads visible to registered users.

However, I will admit to being rebellious and removing them from my profile...
Last edited 2 months ago
Post #8 by Jiggmen has a score of -2. show

JiggmenJiggmen said

2 months ago | Post #8
The only problem with the ads is that it takes up so much space on the screen and makes it smaller. Im fine with just one ad on Nonobas homepage like the wizard 101 one.

Vancouver 2010Vancouver 2010 said

2 months ago | Post #9
Nonoboa is slowly getting worse....
Post #10 deleted

MetaloidMetaloid said

2 months ago | Post #11
im i blind D:!? i cant see what you are all talking about ; ~ ;

jordie1995jordie1995 said

2 months ago | Post #12 | in reply to #11
You and your Doctor-Puzzle membership ;P

Unfortunately I can't tell because they don't appear on my iPod; either that or they've been removed...

Now I won't be able to sleep not knowing @_@

-Mike Hawk--Mike Hawk- said

2 months ago | Post #13

Metaloid we count on u too find css to destroy ad's


ill just agree that the ads are super fun <3
Post #14 by jordie1995 has a score of -5. show

jordie1995jordie1995 said

2 months ago | Post #14 | in reply to #13

#topskyscraper {display:none!important;}


Last edited 2 months ago

EmzEmz said

2 months ago | Post #15
I know I said I wouldn't make further comments, however I've noticed that for a 13+ site, one or more of these advertisements may be inappropriate? For example, the advertisement on the left of this image and what it links to. It's self explanatory. I took a brief look at the site, and in the Terms of Service on it it states: "certain portions of our Website and some of our games may contain mature contents not suitable for anyone younger than 18 years of age."

I'm probably going overboard but surely Nonoba shouldn't be advertising sites with porn / adult content on them, when it's a 13+ site itself? Not to mention faking your age on the internet is as easy as snapping your fingers...
Post #16 by Sagoo has a score of -3. show

SagooSagoo said

2 months ago | Post #16
Ahahaha, I got rid of the ads on my profile.

@jordie1995, it was the first code that you said.

#topskyscraper {display:none!important;}

FluffFluff said

2 months ago | Post #17 | in reply to #10
Um, you mean the Kongregate with a single banner ad at the top and a single square ad below each game? (both of which are relatively unobtrusive, I might add)

The new ads make the site look terrible. On most pages, nearly 26% of the page is covered by ads that won't go away no matter how you scroll, and that's assuming I full-screen my browser. Kongregate has nothing that awful anywhere.

Wish I hadn't had to login to get stuff out of my inbox.

MetaloidMetaloid said

2 months ago | Post #18
haha way to beat me to it jordie :3

took me a while to figure out what everyone was talking about D: but yes it is that code :3

im all for ads and such but not on profile ; ~ ;

:3 hopefully with the code people will stop whinning :D?

@ emz

come on now >_> srsly? have you not seen what 11yr olds are up to now a days ?

yes that screenie is a half naked lady so what ? it takes a perverted mind to think the worst of that image. Tehehehe i know i did think the worst ;D
Post #19 by Jiggmen has a score of -2. show

JiggmenJiggmen said

2 months ago | Post #19
Chris is to blame<_>

-Mike Hawk--Mike Hawk- said

2 months ago | Post #20
-.- tired of clicking the scroll and i saw boobs i could have sworn O_o ??

anyways ads ftl
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